Friday, May 22, 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Death Of Socrates And Jacques-Louis David - 1578 Words
The Death of Socrates was painted by the French painter Jacques-Louis David during the Neo-classical era in 1787. The painting illustrates the execution the Philosopher Socrates as told by Plato in his Phaedo. In 399 B.C, the Athenian court had put Socrates on trial for talking about things in the sky and below the earth, corrupting the minds of the youth, and not believing in the gods, but in other spiritual things. Socrates was then sentenced to death by drinking a poisoned hemlock. In Plato’s Phaedo Death Scene and Apology, both works recount the trial and death scene of Socrates. David, later on, paint the death scene of Socrates inspired by the Phaedo Death Scene. Socrates gives his last lesson to his students while calmly facing†¦show more content†¦The establishment of the French regime began to deteriorate as the economic and social difficulties began to increase. Not only that but the enlightenment quest to promote reason as the basis for legitimacy and progr ess began to grow. The philosophes were a group of people who emphasized the idea of thought and challenged the authority of the monarchy and the church. The enlightenment era included the age of Neoclassicism, a movement in attitude toward art and human existence. Many neoclassical paintings showed emphases on the distribution of light, serious theme and realistic. Various arts were reproduced or imitated from the structures and times of Greek and Roman originals. Jacques-Louis David’s Death of Socrates plays a significant role in the time of the French revolution. As the citizens were frustrated with the injustice being brought upon them by the nobles, David’s painting of Socrates is there to awaken the people to hold on to their beliefs and never deviate from the path of what is just to them. In Platos dialogues Apology and Phaedo Death Scene, Socrates was always portrayed as sedately accepting death, as he states in his defense â€Å"†¦a man who is any good at all should take into account the risk of life or death; he should look only to this only in his actions, whether what he does is right or wrong. (Plato. 28b)†Socrates is clearly not concerned whether he lives or dies but preaches to the people one should be more concerned with theShow MoreRelated The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David Essay504 Words  | 3 Pages By viewing the painting The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David, Socratesâ€℠¢ loyalty to the Athenian government was far more important to him than his own death or friendship. He was more interested in teaching his students about his belief in reason and the law of justice before he died. Still, the students and friends were arguing with him and trying to convince him to renounce his teachings. Socrates was strong in telling his students how it was for the good of society that he drinks theRead MoreAn Analysis of Jacques Louis The Death of Socrates1047 Words  | 4 Pages The Death of Socrates by Jacques Louis David *summary/description: The Death of Socrates by Jacques Louis David is a striking picture of the aged philosopher sitting upright in his bed moments before the poison is taking its effect with one finger raised to heaven. He is expostulating to his students but the majority of his students turn away unwilling to see the ravishing effects of the drug on their beloved master. One student looks at the ground covering his eyes. Another sits, head loweredRead MoreThe Common Theme Of Martyrdom Within The Death Of Socrates And The Execution Of Saint Barbara1032 Words  | 5 PagesTheme of Martyrdom within The Death of Socrates and The Execution of Saint Barbara When walking through a museum, one notices the immense variation within every piece. Each work contains one or a few specific themes, and its own unique interpretation of said theme. Common themes may include, but are of course not limited to that of life, birth, beauty, power and strength, heroism, death, and beliefs. In this paper, I wish to focus on the themes of both belief and death within two separate pieces.Read MoreThe Death Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1660 Words  | 7 Pages David was not the only artist to be fascinated and inspired by historic suicides. Suicide is not an uncommon subject of paintings, or any of the arts for that matter. On the contrary, suicide can be glorified to a certain extent, in the way that a novel or film can romanticize the act without the brutality or consequences being addressed. Suicide can appear heroic in the face of a evil. It can appear to be a triumphant escape from a cruel world. Suicide can even look romantic when portrayed asRead MoreEssay The Death of Socrates1232 Words  | 5 PagesThe Death of Socrates Viewing the painting â€Å"The Death of Socrates†by Jacques-Louis David, one can perceive many different subject matters, both literally and metaphorically. The obvious is seen within the setting of the painting. The clear illustration of where the event is happening provides the onlooker with a glimpse into a different time and era. Conversely, the artist has taken the liberty to hide deep meaning inside the work of art through less apparent means. Symbolism through art workRead MoreSocrates Death Scene Analysis712 Words  | 3 Pagesscene of Socrates and his impending death, although there are some paltry and major differences between the painting and the dialogue. During the text, the readers are only aware of Crito being inside the jail cell along with Socrates. In the painting, we glimpse a plentitude of individuals witnessing Socrates drink hemlock. As everyone interprets the death scene a bit differently, most everyone will come to understand that others will produc e their own conjecture about how Socrates’ death actuallyRead MoreThe Death of Socrates785 Words  | 4 PagesThe Death of Socrates â€Å"The Death of Socrates†was painted by a French painter . His name was Jacques Louis David. The painting represents the scene of the death of Greek philosopher Socrates. He was condemned to die by drinking hemlock for the expression of his ideas against those of Athens and corrupting the minds of the youth. The painting also depicts both Plato and Crito, with the former sitting at the edge of the bed and the latter clutching the knee of Socrates. Socrates had the choiceRead More Jean-Louis David and Jean-Jacques Rousseau Essay1376 Words  | 6 PagesJean-Louis David + Jean-Jacques Rousseau Question : In what ways and to what extent is an understanding of historical context important in approaching the works of (a) David and (b) Rousseau? The Lictors Returning to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons, is a painting by the French artist Jean-Louis David in 1789. Having led the fight which overthrew the monarchy and established the Roman Republic. Brutus tragically saw his sons participate in a plot to restore the monarchy. As a judge, he wasRead More Jacques Louis David Essay2128 Words  | 9 Pages David was the virtual art dictator of France for a generation. Extending beyond painting, his influence determined the course of fashion, furniture design, and interior decoration and was reflected in the development of moral philosophy. His art was a sudden and decisive break with tradition, and from this break modern art is dated. David studied with Vien, and after winning the Prix de Rome (which had been refused him four times, causing him to attempt suicide by starvation) he accompaniedRead MoreEssay on Neoclassic vs Baroque527 Words  | 3 PagesNeoclassic vs Baroque The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David is Neoclassic art style. The painting shows Socrates, condemned to death, calm and at peace, discussing the immortality of the soul. Surrounded by his grieving friends and students, he is teaching and philosophizing. His wife was dismissed to the hallway to grieve due to her weakness. Plato is depicted as an old man seated at the foot of the bed. Socrates has the body of a young athlete, as well as others in the painting
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My position with flatworld Free Essays
In this third era of globalization described by Thomas Friedman, the world has shrank from small to tiny and made it a flat playing field. It is not about nations and states that compete globally but individuals doing research to create the best software in line with the fiber optic technology and broadband. Suddenly, a person from Los Angeles is talking to his product manufacturer in Cebu, Philippines through video chat and almost in real time. We will write a custom essay sample on My position with flatworld or any similar topic only for you Order Now The best news for everyone is that this technology is getting better and more affordable so everyone may have access. The world is breaking barriers so a person who wants to excel in the field of information system and technology must have prudence and cunning to be the best in the field. The existing convention of our system information engineers in the corporate business includes the analyses of operations, inventory, salary, and etcetera. To conquer the field in a more competitive ground, one must be able to look at the world’s convention, its potential and be able to predict. In other words, one has to have foresight. I am currently interested in furthering studies and research in Geographical Information system. â€Å"It is a system for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing data and associated attributes which are spatially referenced to the earth. In the strictest sense, it is a computer system capable of integrating, storing, editing, analyzing, sharing, and displaying geographically-referenced information. In a more generic sense, GIS is a tool that allows users to create interactive queries (user created searches), analyze the spatial information, edit data, maps, and present the results of all these operations†( I believe that the world has to have a bigger layout of the existing environment so one would be able to make a good feasibility study and ultimately a good decision. The competition in this line of project and business is yet scarce, in fact one has to invest so much for a universal GIS to be used anywhere in the world. My vision would be to create a language for the GIS to make it universal. Germany, China and other countries have developed their own GIS yet it would not be understandable or would need a translation for another person in Greece, for example, to read it. Perhaps, this system would get be more valuable for everyone if a Universal Platform GIS will be available to everyone. I will have to start mapping in the United States territory first, in my own country where I will be able to create a good market and then expand in the real world setting. The more data there is in the GIS system which must include the people, animals and plants (read: the GIS system should not be limited to infrastructures and highways alone) the more it is attractive to the market. The more information, the more the system will be useful for every person in every field. My idea is to use the existing network of Information System schools and universities and create a database of demography, topography, ecosystem, field engineering, infrastructures, highways and even waterways. This information will be mapped in the Universal Platform GIS and create a multi-dimensional overlay that is user-friendly, even a grade-schooler will be able to operate it. Although the main idea is to market it to corporate investors and larger business scales from farming, to food chains, to manufacturers and even foresters, an ordinary person would still be ale to use it in his own car, for example, where it would work like a â€Å"telenav†device (maps out a certain locality based on network provider) but with more overlays. Of course, with the Universal Platform GIS, it will be able to create a customized program which is web-based that a person that would not be so technical would be empowered to use the system without any qualms. In a businessman’s benefit, for example, where he wishes to invest on creating a Mc Donald outlet in the suburbs in India, he would only log-in to my website with his username and password and the needed information on the demographics in a suburb in New Delhi would be available. Information, like the number of potential customers because the target customers of the food outlet would be children, adolescents and young adults, he would know the potential market in the area. He would also be equipped with the average income of the people and the potential market and profit. A good area on where to position the infrastructure would be available upon further research in the area because the database would also include a good topography which is multi-dimensional. Sources of supplies for the product would be available for the customer since a list of businesses in the area and nearest farms are available in the website. To make this universal platform more friendly, a customer service representative is available 24/7 for any questions that he may need about the area and a person in the locality, who would be very familiar with the area will answer his questions. Another application would be a person in the University of Texas doing his research on a remote area in Africa, he would need information about the number of grasslands, the number of forest lands and the number of desert land in the area. Aside from that, the researcher would also be able to find an updated inventory of the number of flora and fauna in the area because the business of Universal Platform GIS would include a yearly subscription for updates on a specific area. An accurate number of plants and animals would be available for the customer depending on his existing need. My system is connected to any existing credible groups in the area so that an expert would also be available in the area for any specific questions that might need a real person’s answer. So, a real-time expert’s opinion would be available for the university researcher for more precise information. Therefore, information in the research would be exact and much updated. A French person in Guatemala who is trapped in the middle of nowhere who is having an asthma attack would just need to hit an emergency care button on her online Universal Platform GIS and she would be able to see the nearest rescue service in her area. She will be given information on estimated time of arrival of any rescue service as well as she can monitor through her mobile phone screen where the rescue services are already through the artificial intelligence that is incorporated in the system. His anxieties would also be lessened because of the continuous update on his rescue service is also available. A client would feel safe and secure anywhere he would be in the world even if language obviously is a barrier. The program will be able to transcend from any existing obstacle because it is customized already to the needs and the personality of the person using it. In this line of business ownership, one must be able to maintain the security systems of the software so potential hackers would not be able to bug the system. Since the software is web-based, a pool of experts is also partners in the service to continuously monitor the safekeeping of the information and its management. The system must have a login protocol for authentication so that the information would be protected. This should also be continuously updated with the systems of each user so that they would also feel secure with the information that they are getting. The future of the Information System in business should be equipped with foresight that should keep all data in any given environment and locality is available for everyone’s use. The startup of the GIS would be very costly; however, the business side of it is endless. To be able to keep the line of business, my next role would be to continuously update the system. The more information there is available, the more appeal it would be for every potential person in the market.  How to cite My position with flatworld, Essay examples
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