Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Analysis Of Kathryn Stockett s The Great Gatsby
Before the civil rights period, the South, while more prejudiced than the North, was in one way more open-minded: blacks and whites cohabited with an informal and durable routine. They’d been living interweaved existences since the days of servitude. The Help is an emotionally all-encompassing, version of Kathryn Stockett’s influential 2009 novel, it comprehends that the rift between the races in the South was just one illusion after another. The film is set in Jackson, Miss.  The middle-class of the Deep South â€â€The Help is Abilene’s and Minny (Octavia Spencer) life stories, and Minny is the housekeeper and cook who’s as hearty and disapproving as Aibileen is guarded. Davis and Spencer are both wonderful, reliving these women’s optimists and shattered dreams with every line, and amongst the lines, too. The film is also about their friends, and about the ladies they work for a wealthy group housewives who are the country club and tea l unches Stepford wives types In the beginning, Aibileen Clark (Viola Davis), grave and firm, with a look so expressionless it takes you a minute to see the quiet objection in her eyes. It shows us that she is following in her mother’s footsteps as a maid And that her grandmother was a slave to the house. She tells us it is 1961, and she is also a house slave. They just call it by a different name, a maid. She also informs us that she has reared 17 white children, insinuating the she is more than just a maid. Skeeter is a fresh and young white
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Definition Of Your Demise, Stress - 1346 Words
The Definition Of Your Demise, Stress By N. Anglin | Submitted On March 22, 2014 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author N. Anglin Stress is like a nagging sister. Disclaimer: not saying I have one of these or anything. She pulls our hair, pokes us when we re concentrating, and to reflect a bit, embarrassed us when we brought a new date home in high school. The effects stress has on you both mentally and physically is killing you. A day in the not so distant past, I was a part of the re-stocking initiative (sound fancy?) to replace the wheels and brakes for an A320. This project was a little shy of $100,000 and had several risky obstacles to stay on budget. One of these obstacles was dealing with a new third party to handle repairs. If you know me, any new third party makes me sweat. With no history, we had no true knowledge of how they did things. It was a gamble. 2 weeks pass with several updates along the way. On the 14th day of the second week we called to check up on things, you know, the nosy in your face check up. They claimed that our account manager was fired and they never received our purchase order. I about blew a gasket. They went on to tell ourShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Everyday Tragedy732 Words  | 3 Pagestalking about a common salesman who is trying to make his family happy. Eventually, the actions of the salesman led him to his fate. By this example, we can see that Miller shows us that tragedy can happen to anyone in this world, showing us his definition of tragedy in the common man. In the story Death of a Salesman, we are introduced to a salesman trying to make it up to the top of the food chain in the world. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Natural Based Insecticides Free Essays
In addition to polluting the environment and disturbing the food chain, a worrying issue with repeated use of the same insecticide over a period of time is development of resistance power by the household insects. Consequently, we are left with more resistant pests and insects to deal with. To reduce these negative outcomes, a perfect solution is to learn organic insecticide recipe, which you can try out at home with readily available supplies. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Based Insecticides or any similar topic only for you Order Now The following info is all about homemade insecticide recipe for your reference.Natural Insecticide # 1: Garlic Spray For natural insect repellent recipe with garlic, chop garlic cloves (3 ounces) and soak the pieces in mineral oil (2 tablespoons) for one night. For added effectiveness, stir in fish emulsion (1 teaspoon) in the garlic mixture. Strain the liquid part and store it in an airtight glass container. While using, dilute one part of this natural insect repellent with 20 parts water and spray to the plants. Natural Insecticide # 2: Tomato Leaf ExtractTomato leaf is excellent for controlling insect and pest infestations in flowering plants. For this natural pest control recipe, you will need leaves of a mature tomato plant, 4 pints water and 1 teaspoon cornstarch. First, blend the tomato leaves in a mixer and stir the extract with cornstarch and water. Using a sprayer, apply this mixture to rose and other flowering plants. Natural Insecticide # 3: Saline Water If you notice spider mites and cabbage worms, the best to use natural insecticide for vegetable garden is salt water.Prepare a natural insecticide recipe by dissolving 4 tablespoons salt in 2 gallons of water. Apply this saline solution to kill the said garden pests. Salt is also commonly used in natural herbicide recipe, but remember that applying a highly concentrated salt solution will negatively affect the soil condition in the area. Natural Insecticide # 4: Neem Oil Neem (Azadirachta indica) possesses natural pest repellent properties, thus serving as an excellent ingredient for killing insects. Nothing can beat the effectiveness of neem oil and neem spray in controlling troublesome garden pests. As you apply neem oil to plants, the insects suck the oil and die. Thus, neem oil serves as a systemic poison for the insects. Natural Insecticide # 5: Hot Pepper and Garlic For hot flavored natural insecticide recipe, combine together 1 quart water, 1 teaspoon of hot pepper sauce and 4 garlic cloves in a bowl. Blend it for 2 – 3 minutes and strain by using a cheesecloth. Apply this hot pepper spray to get rid of caterpillars, aphids and whiteflies.You can refrigerate leftover mixture in an airtight container for future application. Natural Insecticide # 6: Diatomaceous Earth A safe natural insecticide is diatomaceous earth, a white powder derived from diatoms. Sprinkle this powder in the soil to reduce slugs, whiteflies, aphids and other soft bodied insects. Another effectual fungicide and insecticide is boric acid, which is soluble in water. Make a dilute solution of boric acid and water, and use it for treating fungus, as well as ants, fleas, ticks and termites.Refer to natural insecticide for ants for achieving an ant free garden. If you do not have time to go through the making directions of natural insecticide recipe, simply place shallow bowls with beer near the plants. This will attract slugs and snails, thus preventing them from affecting your garden vegetables and flowers. For long-term protection of plants from flea-beetle, you can grow mint and onion in the vegetable garden. Likewise, you can control pests and insects effectually in a natural way, without using chemical products. How to cite Natural Based Insecticides, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Exploring Research Methodologies Positivism and I Essay Example For Students
Exploring Research Methodologies: Positivism and I Essay nterpretivismExploring Research Methodologies: Positivism and InterpretivismBefore a researcher can initiate a research project, they face the confusion and the range of theoretical perspectives, methodologies, methods, and the philosophical basis that encompasses them all. This seemingly meticulous structure for the research process is in fact aimed toward providing the researcher with a scaffolding, or a direction which they can go on to develop themselves to coincide with their particular research purposes. (Crotty, 1998)Once a researcher has developed a research question they are seeking to answer, they must consider what methodologies and methods they will employ in the research; what theoretical perspective lies behind the methodology; and what epistemology informs this theoretical perspective. (Crotty, 1998) Before continuing it is important to explain these key terms:Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the theory of knowledge, which seeks to inform us how we can know the world. (Jary and Jary: Dictionary of Sociology, 1991) In the context of social research, epistemology is the form of proof one requires to justify a claim to knowledge about the social world. This will have a salient impact on the kind of data one can collect in order to validate their arguments concerning the social world (methodology), as well as the methods one considers in collecting valid data (methods). A researchers choice of methods will be conditioned by theoretical perspectives, the way one sees the social world. (Livesey)Researchers of social science use a wide variety of research methods to gain and enhance knowledge and theory. The different types of research methodologies, quantitative and qualitative, are associated with the epistemological and theoretical perspectives the researcher wishes to adopt. This choice the researcher makes determines the way in which research should be conducted. This paper will discuss, critically analyse and compare the epi stemological and theoretical perspectives of two research methodologies used for social research: positivism and interpretivism. The various research methods used within the frameworks of each of these will then be discussed. PositivismThere are two main types of epistemologies: positivist and anti-positivist. Positivist research is an approach which combines a deductive approach with precise measurement of quantitative data to enable the discovery and confirmation of casual laws to predict human behaviour. (Neuman, 2000) In the social sciences, the criteria positivism as a theoretical perspective shapes reality to be objective: free of bias, opinion or prejudice; and that there is one reality in nature, one truth. The principle purposes of social research, in a positivist approach, are to explain social life and predict the course of events. Positivism has received a great deal of criticism for use as a social research methodology as quantitative methods can be argued as unsuitable for research of human beings. The individual is relegated to being nothing more than a system outcome, not a thinking and acting human. (Kelly ; Charlton, 1995)Quantitative methods use numerical data, facts and universal laws to perform research. These methods of science used to study the natural world, are arguably impossible for the study of human affairs. Epistemological dimension of positivism understands human behaviour as patterned, orderly and relatively stable. Therefore, methodologically, a positivist will use objective methods to collect data about human behaviour. While the positivist tradition is perhaps one of the least appropriate approaches to the social world it is, paradoxically, one of the most commonly employed.(Lawson, 1997)There are divisions of opinion amongst sociologists about the extent to which sociology is capable of producing objective understanding of life. The positivist concept is that the principles of science can be applied to the study of people. Therein lies the main question a researcher must consider: Can sociology, or any form of social science, be considered to be scientific?the principle legacy of positivism today is an enduring belief in the dichotomy between objective knowledge and subjective opinion. (Buchanan, 1998)Positivist, or quantitative methods used for social research, trying to be systematic, objective and precise, are criticized as being flawed for excluding too much that needs to be included; such as failing to take account of essential characteristics of human behaviour and social life, which cannot be measured, or predicted using numbers or universal laws. Furthermore, natural sciences attempt to quantify the phenomena or experience and reproduce the results
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