Thursday, October 31, 2019
Representation of women in Morrison's Song of Solomon and Butler's Essay
Representation of women in Morrison's Song of Solomon and Butler's Parable of the Sower - Essay Example The clear impression here is that women are fiercely dependent on men and have little to do once the men are at work and the children are at school. It is this setting that accentuates the individuality of the lead female protagonist once it becomes clear that she is anything but submissive. Although Song of Solomon is set in the 1950s through the 1960’s and Parable of the Sower is set somewhere into the future, women’s dependence on men is similarly exploited by Butler. Lauren Olamina who is only fifteen at the start of Butler’s novel observes the plight of three widowed women who live near her: Although Lauren goes on to note that the three women are now employed she adds that â€Å"they don’t earn much.†(Butler, p. 19) Clearly without their husbands the women are struggling to make ends meet. More importantly, Butler’s message is also one of feminie strength in the face of adversity. These women who were previously dependent on men for surival have found a way to survive that loss. Similarly, in Morrison’s Song of Solomon, Guitar’s grandmother finds a way to survive following her husband’s death. Like the three widows in Butler’s novel, Guitar’s grandmother is able to support her grandchildren. These women are different from Morrison’s Ryna, the male protagonist’s great grandmother who lost her mind after her husband left her with several children. There is no escaping the conclusion that women have a double burden in Morrison’s Song of Solomon. They are forced to endure the consequences of racism and at the same time are prisoners of the male quest for freedom and the resulting abandonment. Yet they are judged differently than men. In the example given where Ryna is abandoned by her husband, Ryna is marked as weak for suffering her breakdown and her husband is hailed as a hero despite abandoning his family. Pilate Dead is Morrison’s femlae protagonist whose remarkable
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Religious Traditions of Buddhism and Confucianism Essay Example for Free
The Religious Traditions of Buddhism and Confucianism Essay No other force in our collective history is as influential in shaping our world as religion has been. It is a force that continues to define and redefine the world as we know it. Nations and countries have been established and destroyed all in the name of religion. Political lines are being redrawn even as we speak with religion as the main weapon of choice. No other force can affect people and compel them to action as much as religion does. It keeps followers together even while it keeps people of different faith out. It is source of cohesion and conflict at the same time (Cristi, 2001, p. 223) People who would not normally use force on another will gladly fight in the name of faith. A call to arms in the name of religion is the best way to assemble an army, fueled with righteous anger against the perceived enemy. Most, if not all civil wars have been fought in the name of religion. The enduring conflict in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestant, as well as the violence of Buddhists in Sri Lanka against the Hindu Tamil proves such a point. For all its awesome power, the exact nature of religion remains shrouded in history. Some scholars believe that religion arose from man’s necessity to make sense of living, and his compelling need to understand the mysteries of life. (Hume 24) Over the years, religion has come to be defined as an organized system of practices structured around some supernatural or divine belief. Religion is faith practiced in the context of reality. They are rules that guide certain kind of faith or belief. (Derrida Vattimo 6) Most cultures that exist in the world today are greatly influenced by the predominant religion of their respective places. The most common manifestations of religion can be seen through prayers, rites, and traditions that certain religious denominations practice. The most dominant religions of the world include Catholicism, Islam, Jew, and Hinduism. Other religions such as Protestantism are offshoots of Catholicism. Some, like Confucianism and Theravada Buddhism remain contentious. Some regard the two as religion, while others argue otherwise. The question is how did others came to be recognized as religions while others remain ambiguous? How do we make the distinction between religion and religious traditions? This paper argues that while Confucianism and Theravada Buddhism may not be religion, they are nevertheless religious traditions by virtue of their organized and specific rules of behavior. Theravada Buddhism is the dominant school of Buddhism. The two major schools of Buddhism that emerged from Buddha’s teachings are simply different representations of the same core principles. At first it may seem contradictory that a philosophy that espouses non-violence and universal tolerance will have a division. However, there exists neither conflict nor competition within these two main schools and the schools that followed after; the schools are more of a reflection of the place, time, and circumstance where Buddhism grew and became a way of life. Because cultures and histories differ, our perspectives on Buddha’s teachings can differ as well. (Gyatso 113) The emphasis of Theravada Buddhism is on individual attainment of nirvana, as opposed to enlightenment for all as advocated by Mahayana. Mahayana believes that Buddhists should not just be concerned about their own enlightenment, but aim to enlighten others even if it means sacrificing their own (Gyatso 168). The Mahayana form has more â€Å"religious†conventions, including worship or veneration Buddha and other divine beings. They also venerate sacred objects and icons and follow certain religious rituals. Theravada Buddhists, as an offshoot of their beliefs do not have the same features of the Mahayana. The â€Å"selfish†orientation and the unadorned nature of Theravada Buddhism perpetuate the perception of a non-religion. However, it should be said that apart from this fundamental difference, these two major schools adhere to basically the same principles. (Gyatso 170). For purposes of clarity, Buddhism, as discussed here refers to Theravada Buddhism because it is the school that is most often the target of â€Å"religious†debate. Buddhism has more close to 400 millions of followers worldwide. Buddhists ascribe to certain ways of living and behaviors that are unique to their faith. The main debate whether Buddhism is a religion or not stems from the fact that Buddhists do subscribe to the belief of an all-knowing and all-powerful deity. Buddhists do not worship any sentient, supreme being; and in the same vein, they do not have specific beliefs about the afterlife and the world that exists therein. The association of religion with the belief in gods and afterworlds to the exclusion of everything else is a mistaken notion that most people stubbornly adhere to. While belief in gods and some form of afterlife is a common characteristic of most religions, it is not a feature that distinguishes religion from those that are not. It may be argued that while Buddhism has no specific god who they believe can save them, they nevertheless have some sense of the divine or the ultimate truth; a truth that Buddhists believe any one individual can attain by their own determination. For Buddhists, one’s love for of one’s self is the chain that bonds us to a life of suffering and only by following Buddha’s path can a person be liberated from the cycle of causation and rebirth. Freedom from causality is the state of nirvana (William 142). Buddhists believe that our world is a world of suffering and causality, where one action causes another to take place. Followers of Buddhism denounce violence and espouse the principles of non-violence in all aspects of their lives. The virtue of nonviolence is one the key precepts of Buddhism, which is why followers are strict vegetarians and pacifists, Another major tenet of Buddhism is meditation. Buddhists believe that by going into your own thoughts, you cleanse and purify your soul. Meditation, while relaxing the body, sharply focuses the mind, thus enabling us to purge negative energy and achieve clarity of thought. Meditation is a keystone in Buddhism; without which one cannot achieve the awakening that they are looking for (William 167). Meditation as a cornerstone of Buddhism came from the fact that Buddha himself attained enlightenment after a long period of mediation. For Buddhists the meditation technique produces a sense of calm, but it does not entirely lead us away from all of our sufferings. Regardless of the proven benefits that meditation brings, it does not provide a complete pathway to enlightenment. Buddhists combine calm meditation with or insight meditation (William 198). Calming the body and then calming the mind. This type of meditation is intended for the development of a heightened sense of awareness about the world and our place in it. It asks us to be aware of what we are doing at the precise moment we are doing it. Some people call this process metacognition, or awareness of our awareness. Once this is achieved and sustained, then enlightenment will soon follow. The origin of Buddhism is traced to an Indian prince named Siddhartha, who, in spite of the wealth and power that surrounded him found no true happiness in them. Siddhartha had a lingering discontent; there was a compelling need for him to find the meaning and purpose of life; a need so urgent that he was willing to leave the comforts and safety of his home in search of answers. And so Siddhartha travelled the world in search for his personal truth. It took many years and experiences and deep reflections, until one day, under the Bo Tree, he found absolute clarity and illumination. (Penney 17) From thereon, he called himself Buddha which means the enlightened one. He continued on his travels but this time to teach the path of enlightenment to those who seek it. It is important to note that some Buddhist scholars fall into the trap of analyzing Buddha’s teachings that they neglect the actual spiritual experiences of Buddha, which is more important than the first. To grasp the spirit of Buddha, it is necessary to know the experiences of Buddha himself. Enlightenment, which is the final goal of all Buddhists, is an absolute state of acceptance and the absolute absence of discrimination, ignorance, and suffering. By ignorance, Buddha means spiritual unawareness, the inability to consciously seek the truth and recognize it once it has been found. In the end, the message of Buddhism is clear, that one must follow the Middle Path or take a detached view of reality for an individual to see his involvement and separation from everything in life. Once this state of detachment has been achieved, then will come the realization of how our live are empty in its absolute oneness with the universe. This realization of emptiness is achieved when one seeks constant awareness of experience and thought through meditation and by consciously taking the Middle Path in all of life’s extremes. While Buddhism if more focused on existential experiences, it does have the same goals as other forms of religion: transformation and growth. Religion, through the prescription of certain doctrines and rules of behavior, seeks the betterment of all its followers. Buddhism encompasses all aspects of the follower’s life. In fact it might be argued that Buddhism is more stringent in their rules as other denominations of faith. Because Buddhists are not subservient to any god, they do not claim monopoly of truth and salvation as well. Would-be-followers are not forced to forsake their original religion as long as they follow the Buddhist way of life, which is non-negotiable. The same â€Å"religious†issues beset Confucian philosophy. The absence of an omniscient potentiate excludes it from the list of what the world recognizes as religion as well. Confucianism was based on the teachings of Confucius, renowned ancient Chinese philosopher. While Buddhism focuses on suffering and enlightenment, Confucianism is more about human behavior in the context of civilized society. During the Qing Dynasty, Confucian teachings were organized and proclaimed as China’s state religion. (Yao 28) This political move stained the public’s perception of Confucianism, making it even more difficult to be classified as a religion. However, Confucianism is strictly about how to live a morally upright life based on good deeds and good citizenship. Despite this political underpinings, Confucianism remains the ideology of choice for most Chinese.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Electric Drive System Design, Simulation and Construction
Electric Drive System Design, Simulation and Construction Abstract In this experiment, three phase flexible inverter was used to drive a Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) machine. Three experiments steps use three-phase inverter which is connected to resistor and inductor load and BLDC machine to examine and measure 1) Pulse Mode Modulation (PMW); 2) Three wave signal sinusoidal and 3) BLDC signal sequence. Computer simulation using MATLAB Simulink is used to analyze the laboratory result and software calculation. The speed and torque of BLDC machine can be controlled by controller using PWM technique. This BLDC machine can be modelled as Resistor and Inductor Load. 1.1 Background Many electrical load (e.g. electric motor, lighting) need a wide of range voltage, current, frequency and phase angle which is converted from electrical source (e.g. electric grid, battery) with constant voltage, frequencies, current and phase angles. This conversion mechanism use power electronics converter and one application of converter is inverter which convert DC input into AC output [1]. In this experiment, this inverter will provide a variety of voltage and frequency to drive BLDC machine in order to operate at a specific speed and torque. 1.2 Module Aims The aim of this experiment is to understand design, construction, simulation, and testing of an electrical drive system through practical experience. The procedure of this project can be divide into following steps. Research electrical drive technology. Construction of an electric drive. Simulate and understand an electric drive system. Experimental test, analysis and verification of the system Diagrammatic interpretation of software operation Production of a written technical report. 2.1 Pulse Width Modulation In this experiment, the circuit use 3 pairs of MOSFETs as shown in figure 2.1. Having set the PIC software to the PWM test mode for the controller, measurements was taken on terminal point in three pairs (J1-J2, J3-J4 and J5-J6) which indicate gate-on voltage. Figure 2.1. 3-phase MOSFET arrangement diagram. The gate-on voltage on terminal J1-J2 over time can be shown in figure xx, it consists of time-on (T-on) and time-off (T-off). Time switching period can be calculated as T=t-on+t-off and duty cycle as ratio of time-on (T-on) over time switching period. The 3 pairs of MOSFET have relatively the same switching frequency and gate-on voltage, but in the different percentage of duty cycle, as complete result shown in table xxx. From figure xx, dead time is calculated as time span from J1 when voltage start to off and J2 when voltage start to on. PMW switching frequency = Duty cycle = Figure 2.2. PWM signal for J1 (Yellow) and J2 (Green): time-on, time-off and voltage on. Figure 2.3. PWM signal: dead time between J1 (Yellow) and J2 (Green). Table 2.1. PWM Signal (J1 to J6) 2.2 Three Phase Sine Wave Generator In this experiment, the controller is programmed with test 2 test to convert from DC supply to 3-phase AC output. The output of inverter connected to electrical load (resistor and inductor) and then voltage is measured between resistor R1. The frequency of AC output can be altered by the R22 potentiometer. By varying the setting of potentiometer, the result between resistor R1 (V1-V2) can be shown in figure 2.1 for minimum, figure 2.2 for middle, and figure 2.3 for maximum setting of potentiometer. Figure 2.4. Inverter frequency (f=1.97Hz) in the minimum setting of potentiometer Figure 2.5. Inverter frequency (f=16.18Hz) in the middle setting of potentiometer Figure 2.6. Inverter frequency (f=19.82Hz) in the maximum setting of potentiometer Figure 2.7. PWM signal (f=10.16kHz) while at the duty cycle 23%. 2.3  BLDC Motor Control In the test-3, the controller is programmed with test 3 test to convert from DC supply to operate and control a three phase BLDC machine. BLDC machine is equipped with three Hall Effect sensors, their function is to sense the rotor position to the controller in order to make MOSFETs can make certain switching arrangement to produce a particular speed for BLDC motor. After inverter connected to hall effect sensor and to power supply of BLDC motor, the results can be shown for the sequence position between H1-H2 (figure xx), between H1-H3 (figure xx) and also the total sequence position between H1-H2-H3 in figure xx. The supply voltage for BLDC, phase A voltage is can be shown in figure xx and figure, which magnitude at around 25 V but the duty cycle fluctuate between range 37% up to 62%. Figure 2.8. H1 (Yellow) and H2 (Green) sequence at almost similar frequency (f1=132Hz and f2=131Hz) Figure 2.9. H1 (Yellow) and H3 (Green) sequence at almost similar frequency (f1=132Hz and f3=130Hz) Figure 2.10. Relation between H1 (state 1) and voltage phase A (duty 37%). Figure 2.11. Relation between H1 (state 0) and voltage phase A (duty 62%). Figure 2.12. H1-H2-H3 command sequence. 2.4  Variable DC Supply Simulation In this Matlab simulation, DC supply was connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. DC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a reference setting point. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 20kHz. The reference setting point was set at 0, 0.5 and 1 which represent duty cycle (D=0%, D=50% and D=100%). The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the reference setting point (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. Figure 2.13. The output current with duty cycle D=50% and swithing frequency fs=20kHz Figure 2.14. The output current with different inductance duty cycle (D=0%, D=50%, and D=100%) Figure 2.15. The output current with different switching frequency (fs=10kHz, fs=20kHz, and fs=40kHz) Figure 2.16. The output current with different inductance value (L=1.65mH, L=3.3mH, and L=33mH) 2.5  Variable AC Supply Simulation In this AC supply, AC supply was also connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. AC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a sinusoidal control signal. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 10kHz. The reference was a sine wave with frequency 50 Hz and magnitude varying from maximum +1 and minimum -1. The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the sine wave reference signal (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. Figure 2.17. The output current with a sine wave reference setting fc=50Hz and a switching frequency fs=10kHz Figure 2.18. The output current with different sine wave reference setting (fc=25Hz, fc=50Hz, and fc=100Hz) Figure 2.19. The output current with different switching frequency (fs=10kHz, fs=20kHz, and fs=40kHz) Figure 2.20. The output current with different inductance value (L=1.65mH, L=3.3mH, and L=33mH) 3.1 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) This MS Word template (.dot file) was prepared by Dr. Jonathan I. Maletic in the Department of Computer Science at Kent State University. This is Version 1.0. It is a template for Thesis/Dissertations for the College of Arts and Science at KSU. 3.2 Three Phase Sine Wave Generator In this Matlab simulation, DC supply was connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. DC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a reference setting point. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 20kHz. The reference setting point was set at 0, 0.5 and 1 which represent duty cycle (D=0%, D=50% and D=100%). The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the reference setting point (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. 3.3 BLDC Motor Control In this AC supply, AC supply was also connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. AC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a sinusoidal control signal. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 10kHz. The reference was a sine wave with frequency 50 Hz and magnitude varying from maximum +1 and minimum -1. The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the sine wave reference signal (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. 3.4 Variable DC Supply Simulation In this AC supply, AC supply was also connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. AC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a sinusoidal control signal. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 10kHz. The reference was a sine wave with frequency 50 Hz and magnitude varying from maximum +1 and minimum -1. The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the sine wave reference signal (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance. 3.5 Variable AC Supply Simulation In this AC supply, AC supply was also connected to resistive-inductive load with the value of R=47Ohm and L=33mH. AC output was produced by compare the triangle waveform and a sinusoidal control signal. The triangle waveform magnitude has minimum value -1 and maximum value +1 with a frequency 10kHz. The reference was a sine wave with frequency 50 Hz and magnitude varying from maximum +1 and minimum -1. The shape of current waveform with duty cycle can be shown in figure xx. There are several screens captures with a variation of 1) the sine wave reference signal (figure xx), 2) the triangle switching frequency and 3) the value of inductance.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Antony and Cleopatra :: essays research papers
The representations and interplay of types of power: In Shakespeare’s famous play Antony and Cleopatra, the powerful are portrayed including their personalities, their reactions to other powerful figures and the interplay of these powers as the characters interact. Antony’s Power: Shakespeare uses Rome and Egypt as binary opposites not just to reflect qualities inherent in the two places, but the changes that come upon Antony depending on which place he is in. The changes in Antony’s behaviour and power-usage patterns can be seen through Shakespeare’s constant juxtaposition of the Egyptian and Roman worlds. Antony’s behaviour tends to change as in the exotic place that is Egypt Antony is allowed to escape from his Roman self : "I will to Egypt†¦I'th' east my pleasure lies.â€Å"2.3.38-40. The word â€Å"pleasure†indicates that Egypt has a sexual appeal to him in the form of Cleopatra. He adores his role as king in Egypt, being the self-indulgent lover of Cleopatra. However in Rome, Antony must attend to his political ambitions, duty to administration, his citizens and soldiers. These are duties he does not wish to be burdened with: "Let Rome in Tiber melt and the wide arch / Of the ranged empire fall!†Antony describes his feelings while in Egypt as a hyperbole, which reflects how his behaviour becomes irrational. Moving on to Cleopatra’s Power, it can be seen that she uses her coercive sexual power to entice and manipulate Antony’s behaviour and decisions, inevitably ending in the weakening of their relationship. Cleopatra knows her powers of manipulation: "I drunk him to bed;/ Then put my tires and mantles on him, whilst I wore his sword Philippan.â€Å"2.5.21-23. She makes a mockery of him as he is the Philippan victor that is metaphorically stripped of his sword and therefore his political and sexual power, by a woman. She is described by him in a metaphor, as an â€Å"enchanting queen†which connotes a sense of uncontrolled mesmerisation with a powerful figure. To those removed from the situation, such as Caesar, she is described as a â€Å"whore†and Antony's life with her is full of â€Å"lascivious wassails†demonstrating the wanton behaviour that Cleopatra has almost imposed on Antony.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Should marketers…..
Should marketers be allowed to conduct market research with young children? Why yes/ why no? What are the implications? What are the advantages? Introduction: Let us try to understand how the minds of children work, through an allegory: The old man (guard) near the village church well, was shouting: â€Å"Children, children, listen to me, Waste no water, waste no water, There’s a ghost in the church well, If your spill the water, he will lift you to hell! That’s how he controlled and influenced the minds of children who were wasting water near the church well in a water-starved village! Problem Statement: The impressionable minds of children can be influenced easily, for better or worse. To bring up a child is a continuous experiment. Its care begins from the cradle. Till the age of 5 or until such time a child is admitted to the school, the child looks forward to the parents for guidance in every aspect of its needs. The habit formation has already begun in the child. The child feels good about certain things, and the food habits once initiated, may continue for long. Children are highly motivated by the advertisements and programs in television, and in the school, by the contents of the lunch-boxes of other children. They wish to imitate and emulate. Life is full of choices and making the right choices is important for the children. Dr. Bernard Shaw said, â€Å"Your food is your grave.†Here is the message for the parents about the food items they need to give to the children. The lack of food discipline amongst the children and the lack of its awareness among the caretakers (including parents) is one of the grave problems of the modern era, influenced by the materialistic civilization, the electronic media and the internet revolution. No control exists over the sources of information that the children receive; leave aside other sources, over 500 TV channels running 24 hours a day alone is sufficient either to build or break the children, depending upon the programs they are habituated to view. Consequently there is no control either, how they assimilate and utilize such information in their personal lives. This is the age, when children begin to outsmart the parents or any controlling authority. Market researchers are, therefore, having the field day, to serve the expansion programs of the multinational giants, and provide those data as per specified classifications. In each child, they see a potential customer for their products. Evidence: Market research in any area related to young children is a welcome step. In the absence of proper data, any decision, any policy on issues relating to the children would be fallacious. On the basis of the data collected, the right procedures for the future benefit of children need to be adopted and they must be implemented with all sincerity Whether one likes it or not, manufacturing and marketing of food products exclusively for children has come to stay; now the question is what type of food products needs to be supported and what are to be rejected, by the free exercise of market forces and by creating proper awareness amongst the children. In an experiment conducted to decide the influence of branding vis-à -vis the taste preference, it was found that branding has deep impact on the minds of the children. The children preferred the branded packaging, than the unbranded packaging. Perhaps the imaginative packaging system backed up by the influence of the advertisements for that product, which the children recalled while making choices did the trick and the market researchers scored their anticipated goals. Here is the danger of the container dominating over the contents of the product. The manufacturers of such products must be thanking the television sets in the homes of children. Analysis: The advantages of research on young children is inclusive not exclusive. What is important is the tangible action taken on the findings of the research. In a recent report published by the World Health Organization of UNO, energy-dense foods and fast food outlets is the cause of increasing overweight and obesity amongst young children. This is the inherent danger of branding of food products as the children stick on to a particular brand of food, and it becomes the regular part of their food intake. The giants of the food and beverage industry who spend more than $ 10 billion per year count on such children and the drug industry must be making proper projections for expansion on the basis of statistics of obese children;  The drug industry must be thanking the fast food industry for providing them ‘ raw material’ in the form of obese children. This is how, evil begets the evil! Beginning from the age of 2, the children have begun to identify the brands, and by the age of 7-9, they have mastered brand names, logos, characters, packaging, color preferences, carton characters and everything that contributes to the world of fantasy of the children. They have formed opinions; their requests for products have turned to nagging, begging and even quarrelling! Discussion: The necessity of parental guidance has never been felt more, as in the conditions prevailing today. Marketing organizations create fictional characters to influence the minds of children and make them slaves of their own imaginations. The impact of the advertisements and the promotional campaigns, hype of gift schemes is so much –for example we are prepared to pay ten times of the cost of pure lime juice, to a bottled drink of lime, treated with preservatives. And the company advertises; â€Å"Now this drink has the taste of fresh lime!†The enslaved minds of the children refuse to think why we can’t have he fresh limejuice from the natural lime itself! Similarly we pay a hefty sum for a fancy pack of potato chips, which is harmful for the health of children, viewed from any angle. The models, who are part of the advertisement campaigns, charge hefty sums and we pay to believe their tissue of lies beamed through TVs, created by the imaginative copy-writers. This is the tragedy of the market research, as the findings are utilized for harming the health of children. Well-intentioned market research for the benefit of children is good. The motivated campaigns to tap and exploit the tender emotions of the children will harm them, the parents, the family and the society in the long run. Over emphasis on early learning is not desirable and the market researchers need to do their job as human beings, not as the cut-throat competitors serving the tough strategies of the companies whose sole aim is to beget more and more profits. Such motivated market research campaigns are not conducive for the long-term welfare of the children. Conclusion: The ultimate aim of all research, including that on children, is to create a healthy and happy society. Therefore, nothing related to the children should be done in a hurry. To achieve this end, take lessons from Nature: Hurry is not known to all creative expressions in Nature. The sun rising, the moon setting, the blossoming of the buds, the arrival of the fruits, the germination of the seeds, the fetus in the womb, the bird in the egg, all have no hurry, and each takes is own time to grow and emerge out. So, the market researchers and the product manufacturers need to perform with care, taking into consideration the ultimate welfare of children.  Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Online Relationships
Online Relationships Cyberspace relationships have the advantages of time, distance depletion, and fantasy abilities (Suler). Internet users can take on different identities or take part in fantasy games. They can become someone else. James Katz and Philip Aspen report that the Internet is a place to make friends and stay in touch with far away relatives (Stoll). It makes distance disappear. Also, online a person is given time before they must respond to the other person (Suler).They are given the opportunity to better articulate themselves in writing. It is also possible to store conversations with friends on-line (Suler). Sometimes face to face relationships are hard to make. It’s easier for a shy or awkwardly social person to use the internet to make friends. With all of these social advantages, why are there still many lonely Internet users? â€Å"Paradoxically, the Internet is a social technology used for communication, yet it results in declining social involvement and psychological well-being†(Stoll).There is a large gap between people we can touch and people we can onl†¦ heheheheheh eheh jajb ladjbas hbdfhS HDFBASUB LBFHAB SBDFLABSH CLABHK SCVBKBVKHS FVERBVKDSBFU NVA ;V ASK;VAS GBKV RHK VKJ VUIBKJ; SKJVB; V;KEVKJERVIUOVUER HA HA HA HA HA HA AHA HAHA HA A HAHA AHAHA AHJAH AHA AHA A AHAH A AHA A A HA AHA AH AHAHAA HA A AHA HA AHAH KG GTJT NENE EJSD S SMS DC KJFJ G GKGNMF SDN SNSNKSKSW SWKE EKOEOKE W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WE
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Medieval Clothing Styles by Region and Period
Medieval Clothing Styles by Region and Period In Europe, ​medieval clothing varied according to the time frame as well as the region. Here are some societies (and segments of society) whose clothing styles are especially evocative of their cultures. Clothing of Late Antiquity, 3rd- to 7th-Century Europe Traditional Roman garb consisted largely of simple, single pieces of fabric that were carefully wrapped to cover the body. As the Western Roman Empire declined, fashions were influenced by the sturdy, protective garments of Barbarian peoples. The result was a synthesis of trousers and sleeved shirts with cloaks, stolas, and palliums. Medieval clothing would evolve from late antique garments and styles. Byzantine Fashions, 4th- to 15th-Century Eastern Roman Empire People of the ​Byzantine Empire inherited many of the traditions of Rome, but fashion was also influenced by the styles of the East. They abandoned wrapped garments for long-sleeved, flowing tunicas and dalmaticas that often fell to the floor. Thanks to Constantinoples standing as a center of trade, luxurious fabrics like silk and cotton were available to the richer Byzantines. Fashions for the elite changed frequently over the centuries, but the essential elements of costume remained fairly consistent. The extreme luxury of Byzantine fashions served as a counterpoint to most European medieval clothing. Viking Apparel, 8th- to 11th-Century Scandinavia and Britain Scandinavian and Germanic peoples in northern Europe dressed for warmth and utility. Men wore trousers, shirts with tight-fitting sleeves, capes, and hats. They often wore leg wraps around their calves and simple shoes or boots of leather. Women wore layers of tunics: linen under woolen overtunics, sometimes kept in place at the shoulders with decorative brooches. Viking clothing was often decorated with embroidery or braid. Aside from the tunic (which was also worn in Late Antiquity), most Viking garb had little influence on later European medieval clothing. European Peasant Dress, 8th- to 15th-Century Europe and Britain While the fashions of the upper classes were changing with the decade, peasants and laborers wore useful, modest garments that varied little over the centuries. Their outfits revolved around a simple yet versatile tunic - longer for women than for men - and were usually somewhat dull in color. High Medieval Fashion of the Nobility, 12th- to 14th-Century Europe and Britain For most of the early Middle Ages, the clothing worn by men and women of the nobility shared a basic pattern with that worn by the working classes, but was generally made of finer fabric, in bolder and brighter colors, and at times with additional decoration. In the late 12th and 13th century, to this plain style was added a surcoat, probably influenced by the tabard worn by crusading knights over their armor. It wasnt until the mid-14th century that designs really began to change noticeably, becoming more tailored and increasingly elaborate. It is the style of the nobility in the high Middle Ages that most people would recognize as medieval clothing. Italian Renaissance Style, 15th- to 17th-Century Italy Throughout the Middle Ages, but especially in the later Middle Ages, Italian cities such as Venice, Florence, Genoa, and Milan flourished as a result of international commerce. Families grew wealthy trading in spices, rare foods, jewels, furs, precious metals and, of course, cloth. Some of the finest and most sought-after fabrics were produced in Italy, and the extensive disposable income enjoyed by the Italian upper classes was spent lavishly on more and more ostentatious outfits. As costume evolved from medieval clothing to Renaissance fashion, the outfits were captured by artists who painted the portraits of their patrons as had not been done in earlier times. Sources Piponnier, Francoise, and Perrine Mane, Dress in the Middle Ages. Yale University Press, 1997, 167 pp. Kà ¶hler, Carl, A History of Costume. George G. Harrap and Company, Limited, 1928; reprinted by Dover; 464 pp. Norris, Herbert, Medieval Costume and Fashion. J.M. Dent and Sons, Ltd., London, 1927; reprinted by Dover; 485 pp. Jesch, Judith, Women in the Viking Age. Boydell Press, 1991, 248 pp. Houston, Mary G., Medieval Costume in England and France: The 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Adam and Charles Black, London, 1939; reprinted by Dover; 226 pp.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Colonialism in Nigeria essays
Colonialism in Nigeria essays The earliest known documentation of Nigeria is that it was the sight of a group of organized states called Hausa. The earliest Nigerians were the Nok people. These Noks were skilled artisans, but they didnt last long. The Noks had disappeared by the second millennium. The Southwest region of Lake Chad, Africa was ruled by the Kanem-Bornu during the 8th century. By the 1300s, the empire of Kanem-Bornu was a flourishing center of Islamic culture, rivaling Mali in the west. As this African kingdom began to stagnate, the western states fell under the rule of Songhai and the empire fell in result. During the 15th century, Nigeria was a very prosperous country with great cultivation and trading. By the late 16th century, the Kanem-Bornu broke up and the Hausa states regained their independence. In the 19th century, the Fulani then took dominance in the lands of Hausa and the southern part of the country was divided at this time. In the west, Yoruba had their own states; the Edo ruled in Benin in the south-central parts; and the Ibo had control in the east, in and north of the Niger delta. People such as Mungo Park, Richard Lemon Lander, and John Lander first explored the interior in 1830-31. Realizing the potential of the area, the Portuguese, the British, and others established slave-trading stations in the Niger delta. The British sent consuls to Calabar and Lagos, where traders were established, and they took full possession of Lagos. The British then established protectorates after the conclusion of several treaties with the native chiefs and in 1893, the name Niger Coast Protectorate was established. Then, in 1900, after expansion in the southwest, which brought about the addition of the kingdom of Benin, the name was changed to the Protectorate of Southern Nigeria. In the same year, the British proclaimed the protectorate of Northern Nigeria as well. ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Case of Genie Essay Example for Free
Case of Genie Essay 1.Describe the case of Genie. What happened to her? Why is this case important? Genie was left in extreme isolation. She was kept in a back bedroom,tied to a toilet. She received little stimulation of any kind and was fed baby food.She was given no visual or other sensory stimulation.This case shows that infancy and childhood are critical times for brain development. 2.What have scientists learned about the way that the brain develops in children? Describe how this development happens. They have learned that there are critical periods for brain development. They discovered that parents fill a vital role in the development of their child’s brain through their interactions with the child.Parents and caregivers must provide proper stimulation to help develop connections. Scientists believed that children’s brains were predetermined to a great extent in terms of how they would develop. However, scientists now know that an infant’s experiences help determine how connections are formed and which pathways will develop in the brain. Thus, rather than being predetermined, an infant’s brain is a work in progress, influenced not only by his or her genetics, but also the surrounding world. 3.Describe how speech generating devices work. Explain the importance of augmentive communication. Speech generating devices are electronic devices that help individuals communicate verbally. Augmentive communication is important because it helps individuals produce or comprehend written or spoken language.These communication devices can be important tools to help children with speech difficulties communicate with parents, teachers, friends, and others in their lives 1.What do scientists mean when they say that there are critical periods for brain development? Why are these periods important? When scientist say that there are critical periods for brain development they mean that if a child misses that period they’ll be noticeably different from others in the same age group. These periods are important because they’ll need them all throughout life. Case of Genie. (2016, May 13).
Friday, October 18, 2019
DECISON MAKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DECISON MAKING - Essay Example The routine decision making can be sub divided into different forms based on several variables that differentiate them; however, the two broad categories of decision making are programmed decisions and non-programmed decisions (O Brien, 1999). A programmed decision is, simply put, a decision that has a fine structure and occurs rather frequently, with less exceptions. Such decisions are relatively easier to make as they follow a pretty standardized procedure; a simple example of the same can be answering a customer query or solving a customer query such as password retrieval. A non-programmed decision is exact complement of the former; non-programmed decisions are more about exceptional handling rather than routine work out, for such decisions, there is less structure of any formal procedures that would resolve the issue. Accordingly, the frequency of occurrence is lesser. Purchase of fixed asset, based on frequency of occurrence can be a non-programmed procedure but since the process of purchase is well defined, it does not qualify for the same. The purchase of a house or a television would be a rather non-programmed decision. In this section, the steps for rational decision making are applied to the given case. ... The case is the need for replacement of the photocopy machine, and the decision making process is to be applied for the purchase of this new equipment (Noorul Haq, 2007). For the decision making process to be successful, it should go by a procedure so that the defined procedure can undertake the different variables needed for an appropriate decision making. Following are the simple steps that are a part of the rational decision making process with brief elaboration (Davidson, 2006), alongside the three steps, their application for the given case is also briefed: STEP I: Recognizing and defining the decision situation: It is essential for managers to recognize and define the need for the decision to be taken. There are certain underlying variables that define the need for the decision; these variables are indicators for the need of a decision. The decision situation has arisen; the photocopy machine needs to be replaced and a new equipment needs to be purchased. The need has arisen mainly due to the excess usage of the equipment in routine business operations. STEP II: Identifying alternatives: Once the need for a decision is identified, alternate decisions available should be identified. Pertinent to this case, the alternatives available are the different models of the machine (that of course have varying functionalities) and the list of pre-selected vendors who sell these machines. Another form of alternative evaluation could have been evaluation of either purchase, rent or not buy at all. However, with the requirements that it caters to, it has become essentially important to buy one as it has a lot of usage in routine operations. Going to a near by shop could have been another way out, which is ruled out due to potential lose out of confidential
SUMMARY South African Opposition Picks New Voice Essay
SUMMARY South African Opposition Picks New Voice - Essay Example To entice black voters, the party will have to strive for new policies that address the needs of low income young blacks. Because the next national vote is not until 2014, Ms. Mazibuko must try to place pressure on the government through parliamentary sessions. The previous leader of the party, Athol Trollip, did not appeal to the wider voting public because he is a 47 year old white farmer. In choosing a new type of leader, the Democratic Alliance is attempting to turn over a new page in politics and offer themselves as a viable alternative to the ruling African National Congress. Although the party will focus specifically on blacks’ issues, it is a party that will stand for South Africans are all races. Historically, the Democratic Alliance has been thought of as a white-dominated party. This decision to appoint a black leader is a step into the future and will hopefully result in the Democratic Alliance making more of a difference on the South African political
Survey about CWsandbox tool which used for dynamic malware analysis Research Paper
Survey about CWsandbox tool which used for dynamic malware analysis - Research Paper Example General Sandbox Architecture: A sandbox is deployed to secure a computer system from external attacks that are attempted through malware (malicious program). According to Hoopes (2009), the approaches used are either to block the critical accessibility of a malware or to introduce a simulated environment with completely virtual computing resources like CPU, file system and the memory. This virtual environment enables the program to get executed in a completely isolated environment which is disconnected from the real execution environment within which it resides. The main idea is to monitor the accessibility of program (under observation) to system resources. This way the system can be brought back into the safe state after complete behavioral analysis of the suspected program. The fringe benefit of this approach is the usage of a lighter security protocol for the underlying system that improves its working efficiency. The behavioral analysis keeps the execution environment intact. Th is gives it an edge over instruction level analysis (basically done using debuggers or dis-assemblers). CWSandbox architecture and functioning: CW sandbox is one the sandbox applications that are in use. Every sandbox application has its own mechanism to secure the computer system environment. CWSandbox comprise of two executable files namely cwsandbox.exe and cwmonitor.dll. The former is the central application that initiates the malware and manages the complete process of analysis. The latter on the other hand is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library). This library is introduced into all processes in the malware that are under observation. This way the malware is actually executed and being interacted by the sandbox along with its own execution. The function of the DLL file is to catch each API critical call from malware and to inform the central application (cwsandbox.exe) about it. The sandbox (main application) then takes some time to analyze the call in order to either delegate the cont rol to the required API (in case of safe conclusion) or to answer the call with a virtual error message (in opposite case). Along with the keeping an eye on every malware call, the DLL also makes it certain that the sandbox is kept informed about other malware activities like injecting a code into an already executing process or creating a child process. In both cases the DLL is instantiated again to be injected into the child process or the already running process. Figure 1.0 below, elaborates the described functioning. The CWSandbox uses the native execution environment unlike other sandbox schemes. This in turn reduces the delay caused by the analysis mechanism. Enormous communication exists between the main application (executable) and planted instances of DLLs. Each notification call from a DLL to sandbox contains a lot of information that requires a formal and reliable mechanism of communication between processes. In order to fulfill this requirement the sandbox is usually equ ipped with high efficiency IPC (Inter Process Communication) mechanism. Figure 1.0. Sandbox Instance using CWSandbox (Source: Hoopes J. 2009. Virtualization for Security) CWSandbox Malware Handling and Analysis Mechanism: The mechanisms that are performed by a sandbox can be distinguished into three parts. These parts may
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Political Scandal in the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Political Scandal in the Media - Essay Example One is the reality that Spitzer's betrayal involved prostitutes. "Why Men Cheat," inserts that the same holds true of informal sex, seeing that in one-night-stand after having someone at a bar. For some people, this looks like, "Holy cow", like Mr. David Letterman, "We can't get bin Laden, but we got Spitzer". And for others, undoubtedly, it's been a deep talk of stance on (or experiences with) infidelity, disloyalty, loyalty and the like. It's occurring in conferences, too. "Are you saying the women should feel guilty, like they somehow drove the man to cheat", Meredith Vieira of "Today" asked Dr. Laura Schlessinger, a radio host. On the media channels, where Talk Shows addressed the scandal madly for days, Mars and Venus instants have thrived hard. Some women were seriously angry by all the meeting of a "victimless crime." And they giggled when Joy Behar on the all five women gabfest "The View" stated publicly that "Viagra is destroying our government." On Tuesday morning Hendrik Hertzberg, a writer for The New Yorker, told the host, Joe Scarborough, that Mr. Spitzer should not be condemned as a hypocrite. "If he had been caught taking from the public till or bilking the government, that would have been hypocritical," Mr. Hertzberg said. "This is just, this is sad." How common is this adultery Figuratively, in... Surely there were no cries for Mr. Spitzer. Alan M. Dershowitz, who taught Mr. Spitzer at Harvard Law School, went so far as to blame American Puritanism first. "Big deal, a married man goes to prostitute", Mr. Dershowitz said on MSNBC on Monday. "In Europe this wouldn't even make the back pages of the newspaper". Political sex-scandals have become a pushy feature of American society today. From Profumo to the cash-for-questions scandal, from Watergate to the Clinton-Lewinsky affair, scandals have come to play a fundamental role in political affairs and in the shaping of public debates. They all blur together. And now New York's Gov., Eliot Spitzer, had to leave his job after his involvement in a prostitution ring became public. But this star news will be eclipsed by the next scandal before too long. If we're becoming a more liberal society, shouldn't there be less and not more sex scandals Probably not. Sex scandals will keep on as long as we remain in-two-minds about the public impacts of hush-hush sexual conduct. We're in the middle of a nationwide debate about where to sketch the line. It's turn into a known scene - "a politician...over-involved in a sex scandal...addressing the media...his compassionate, humiliated wife by his side". Spitzer's dismal story just doesn't meet the higher bar of insignificance the journalists and newspapers demand. The imperfections in our political system that it represents are immeasurable. It's just too real to meet the requirements. His scandal looks like to have got its "get-out-of-jail-free" license from the media pundits. One commonality among political sex scandals nowadays is that the tricacies of the encounters
The Aims and Goals of Jackson Pollock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Aims and Goals of Jackson Pollock - Essay Example The paper "The Aims and Goals of Jackson Pollock" discusses Jackson Pollock, his art and his aims. He often used hard sticks and even paint applicators to make an abstract. He not only had a different style but also his work has being majorly influenced by many artists from around the world and even Lee Krasner who he married. His possible influence was a Ukrainian artist Janet Sobel. He was a struggling alcoholic who in 1939 he visited a Jungian analyst to treat his alcoholism who encouraged him to paint, which also influenced his work a lot, his paintings not only showed his thoughts but also the fear and terror in humanity living in the times of nuclear war. Indian culture also played an important role in his work, he was influenced mainly by sand painting, and Indian culture also influenced him in a way where he use to get ideas for subjects and motifs for his drawings. Many art critics have said that his work has shown nature of chaos motion, it expressed the chaos theory even b efore it had been formed. Jason Pollock has been one of the most significant artist in the field of abstract expressionism. His work has been very different from the art at that time, his paintings bought together techniques like Cubism, Surrealism, and Impressionism which made his work stand out from other paintings. And for that reason he has been in the spotlight of media since then, people have written about him made biographical films on his life and his art is still recognised among the master pieces of abstract expressionism.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Survey about CWsandbox tool which used for dynamic malware analysis Research Paper
Survey about CWsandbox tool which used for dynamic malware analysis - Research Paper Example General Sandbox Architecture: A sandbox is deployed to secure a computer system from external attacks that are attempted through malware (malicious program). According to Hoopes (2009), the approaches used are either to block the critical accessibility of a malware or to introduce a simulated environment with completely virtual computing resources like CPU, file system and the memory. This virtual environment enables the program to get executed in a completely isolated environment which is disconnected from the real execution environment within which it resides. The main idea is to monitor the accessibility of program (under observation) to system resources. This way the system can be brought back into the safe state after complete behavioral analysis of the suspected program. The fringe benefit of this approach is the usage of a lighter security protocol for the underlying system that improves its working efficiency. The behavioral analysis keeps the execution environment intact. Th is gives it an edge over instruction level analysis (basically done using debuggers or dis-assemblers). CWSandbox architecture and functioning: CW sandbox is one the sandbox applications that are in use. Every sandbox application has its own mechanism to secure the computer system environment. CWSandbox comprise of two executable files namely cwsandbox.exe and cwmonitor.dll. The former is the central application that initiates the malware and manages the complete process of analysis. The latter on the other hand is a DLL (Dynamic Link Library). This library is introduced into all processes in the malware that are under observation. This way the malware is actually executed and being interacted by the sandbox along with its own execution. The function of the DLL file is to catch each API critical call from malware and to inform the central application (cwsandbox.exe) about it. The sandbox (main application) then takes some time to analyze the call in order to either delegate the cont rol to the required API (in case of safe conclusion) or to answer the call with a virtual error message (in opposite case). Along with the keeping an eye on every malware call, the DLL also makes it certain that the sandbox is kept informed about other malware activities like injecting a code into an already executing process or creating a child process. In both cases the DLL is instantiated again to be injected into the child process or the already running process. Figure 1.0 below, elaborates the described functioning. The CWSandbox uses the native execution environment unlike other sandbox schemes. This in turn reduces the delay caused by the analysis mechanism. Enormous communication exists between the main application (executable) and planted instances of DLLs. Each notification call from a DLL to sandbox contains a lot of information that requires a formal and reliable mechanism of communication between processes. In order to fulfill this requirement the sandbox is usually equ ipped with high efficiency IPC (Inter Process Communication) mechanism. Figure 1.0. Sandbox Instance using CWSandbox (Source: Hoopes J. 2009. Virtualization for Security) CWSandbox Malware Handling and Analysis Mechanism: The mechanisms that are performed by a sandbox can be distinguished into three parts. These parts may
The Aims and Goals of Jackson Pollock Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Aims and Goals of Jackson Pollock - Essay Example The paper "The Aims and Goals of Jackson Pollock" discusses Jackson Pollock, his art and his aims. He often used hard sticks and even paint applicators to make an abstract. He not only had a different style but also his work has being majorly influenced by many artists from around the world and even Lee Krasner who he married. His possible influence was a Ukrainian artist Janet Sobel. He was a struggling alcoholic who in 1939 he visited a Jungian analyst to treat his alcoholism who encouraged him to paint, which also influenced his work a lot, his paintings not only showed his thoughts but also the fear and terror in humanity living in the times of nuclear war. Indian culture also played an important role in his work, he was influenced mainly by sand painting, and Indian culture also influenced him in a way where he use to get ideas for subjects and motifs for his drawings. Many art critics have said that his work has shown nature of chaos motion, it expressed the chaos theory even b efore it had been formed. Jason Pollock has been one of the most significant artist in the field of abstract expressionism. His work has been very different from the art at that time, his paintings bought together techniques like Cubism, Surrealism, and Impressionism which made his work stand out from other paintings. And for that reason he has been in the spotlight of media since then, people have written about him made biographical films on his life and his art is still recognised among the master pieces of abstract expressionism.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Government Economic Policies and Business Essay Example for Free
Government Economic Policies and Business Essay (a) The government used fiscal policy to increase public spending. This implies that a rise in taxation also took place. The rise in taxes meant that people had less money to spend, i.e. less disposable income. As a result, they were unable to buy as much. This caused the demand of certain products to decline. As a result, the respective companies made less profit. This meant that they were unable to produce as much (also to avoid excess supply). This led to companies cutting jobs. The cut in jobs increased unemployment, which meant people had no job, so they had no income, therefore they were unable to spend, which makes the demand fall further, and so on. (b) The government had used fiscal policy to boost the economy. In Japan, the fiscal policy was used to fund the games industry, to create more jobs, in order to increase the income and therefore, increase spending by the people in those jobs. However, we can see from the graphs that retail sales in Japan in 1997 were dramatically falling. A cause for this was the GDP which also hit an all time low in Japan. This meant that people did not have the money to spend, therefore, from the evidence available we can say that Japans fiscal policy was unsuccessful. (c) The countrys budget provides an opportunity not only to take an overview of the macro-economy, but also to make changes to the incentive structures created by different taxes. The chancellor has many objectives to consider at budget time. One of these objectives may be to increase taxes on polluting fuels (e.g. petrol) so as to discourage their use. This can be controlled by the fiscal policy, which, in this case would involve increasing taxes on such fuels. This may come as a direct tax on the petrol, or more indirectly by increasing the road tax on bigger vehicles. Provided that such polluting fuels are used to the same extent, this would generate higher tax revenue for the government which can then be used to increase public spending, such as building hospitals, which would not only result in better healthcare, but it would also create jobs, which would mean that people would be earning, allowing them more disposable income, and thus influencing spending power, which may in fact be another objective of the government.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Maxis Market Opportunity
Maxis Market Opportunity Maxis communications company, is Malaysias largest mobile service provider, or about forty percent of the Malaysian mobile phone market. The company providing a wide range of innovative mobile, fixed and international network services to their customers. Besides that, Maxis was first telecommunication company who launched the 3G services, such as 3G connect Card, PC Webmail, Video Mail and 3G prepaid. It is founded in year 1993. Maxis Mobile Sdn Bhd , which the founder is Ananda Krishnan who are one of the richest man in Malaysia. In 1999, Maxis create the popular prepaid brand Hotlink, which currently has 10 Million customers. In 2002, Maxis purchased from Timecel, a competitor mobile service provider. Before the purchase, Maxis offered phone numbers beginning with 012, and TimeCell 017. Now, user can choose between the two. In 2007, The company in preparation for expansions into the Indonesian and Indian markets. In 2009, The initial public issue and which constitute 30% of the com pany under the close supervision of the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. STRATEGY Maxis believe that its extensive customers based strong hold in the high value segments, high quality network and services, effective distribution, recognize brands equity and resulting strong cash flow generation will allow it to consolidate its position as the market leader. Firstly, Maxis focused on conducting business responsibly in the marketplace .Secondly, nurturing talents and developing their potential in the workplace and contributing towards the communities. Lastly, doing their part to mitigate the impact of Maxis operations on the environment. OBJECTIVE Become the leading provider of convergence solutions for enterprises in Malaysia.  Become leading mobile communication service provider in Malaysia. MISSION Today -Malaysias leading mobile communications service provider. Tomorrow -The nations premier integrated communications service provider. VISION To bring the future to our customers lives and business, in a manner that is simple, personalised and enriching, by efficiently and creatively harnessing leading-edge technology and delivering a brand of service experience that is reliable and enchanting. TARGET MARKET However it is found that most student range from 7-18 are using Digi. While the user range of 19-35 are using Maxis. Maxis company involved in a wide range, suitable for businessmen. Product Maxis provide a variety of products and services in mobile communication flied, such as prepaid call plans, monthly subscription plans, global roaming, MMS, WAP (over both GSM and GPRS), Residential Fixed Line services, Broadband Internet plans. It was the first to launch 3G services to both prepaid and postpaid subscription customers. Besides that, they offer VSAT services (satellite based communications) and BlackBerry based mobile services besides regular services. Maxis also provide an online Music store for its customers to use it. Maxis most popular service is its prepaid brand Hotlink and focus on the segment of students, family and friend, working adults and business field. Thus, its branding was set up year by year. So far, Maxis is well-known. Product Life Cycle 2.jpg When a product reaches maturity, sales growth slows and sales volume eventually peaks and stability. This is the stage during which the market as a whole makes the most profit. A companys primary objective at this point is to defend market share while maximize profit. In this stage, prices tend to drop due to increased competition. Maxiss fixed costs are low because it is has well established production and distribution. Since the brand of maxis awareness is strong, marketing expenditure might be reduced, although increased marketing expenditure might be needed to retain market share and fight increasing competition. Expenditure on research and development is likely to be restricted to product modification and improvement, and perhaps research into improved production efficiency and product quality. Promotion The main Maxis promotion is through the promoter to help us push up the Maxiss market share. Those promoters will go into Maxis use the sponsor to let the brand to be more awareness such as: Maxis is official telco sponsor for badminton association of Malaysia. Maxis sponsorship will contribute to Badminton Association of Malaysias development program and create opportunities for new talent to be nurtured and be prepared for competition at the various international badminton circuits. Maxis is pleased to play a part in achieving Badminton Association of Malaysias objectives and goals as well as sustaining success on the court. As a sponsor, Maxis will be supporting Badminton Association of Malaysia in its development program such as running of the training facilities, payment for coaches as well as running costs for the association in participating in various tournaments. Maxis also provide scholarship for the brightest graduate student to pursue their courses in every University in order to promote their company. Maxis also trying to find celebrities to help us increase their brand awareness such as, Datos Lee Chong Wei, Frank Lampard and Lionel Messi. Maxis also focus on planning, they always launch a lot of package for customer, such as Value Plus 50, Value Internet Plus 50. It can increase the awareness of customer, and let the customers to become their users. Besides that, Maxis also use the social media to promote their new product for the youngsters, such as Internet, Radio and Television Advertisement. For the odd, they will give them some handbook which clearly list out the latest product for them. Community event is one of the promotions, such as the Maxis Cyberkids Camp 2010. In this camp, the Maxis featured its broadband products and educational programmes. Distribution Channels In a competitive and complex communications industry, the variety change of technological innovation is no any single one company can survive if it operates alone. And Maxis has known about the need to work with a range of different partners locally and globally to broaden out range of offerings and to enhance our capabilities as the preferred communications solutions provide. According to Maxis website, it has 250 outlets in Malaysia to serve their customer. The main distributions channels of Maxis are ZyXEL communications Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd, ZyXEL will help Maxis to provide a value-added service in order to succeed in broadband market and bring out the outstanding performance solutions at the most competitive price. Advanced Broadband Communications Sdn Bhd, they help Maxis to provide total telecommunication solutions and services for both conventional IP Systems. They also will develop the all IP-based solutions and services are targeted at business and personal users at any levels. Techscience Consultants Services Sdn Bhd, they provide multi dimensional business solution. The Maxis Partner including application providers, content providers and system Integrators. The application providers provide solution, application and tools to customer propositions. The content providers enhance the valuable information to business by providing information anywhere, anytime and on any device. The System Integrators have industry, domain and application specific-expertise backed up to integrate business solutions. They are including DynaFront, OPTEGRA, QuickNet com and so on. The Maxis Alliances including technology partner, device hardware partner and consulting partner. The technology partner provides base functionality and interoperability of software, infrastructure and development tool. The device hardware partner provide the ever changing device and hardware necessary. The consulting partner provides the specialized and consulting service in specific field and specific knowledge. They are including HP, IBM, Microsoft and so on. Price The objective of pricing strategy is based on firm earning and needs of market. Meanwhile, it is also foundation of the pricing strategy. The Maxiss pricing objectives including profitability objective, its purpose is to maximize the profit and target return. The volume objective, its purpose is to maximize quantity and become market share leader. Thus, the psychological pricing strategy is most being used by Maxis. Psychological pricing is designed to appeal to customers who use emotional rather than rational responses to pricing messages. For Example, Maxis sell the mobile phone at RM999, RM1199. It will make customer to believe the price is cheaper and attract them to buy it. Besides that, it allows Maxis to influence customers view a product without the need to actually the product. Maxis is considered as a dominant company, thus, they also use high pricing strategy to sell their product in order to make more profit to the Maxis. Market opportunity of maxis Market opportunity means that newly identified need, want, or demand trend that a firm can exploit because it is not being addressed by the competitors.There are two market opportunity for Maxis in order to increase their company revenue and profit. Now days, Maxis had launch many device promotion and plan to attract and also increase their customers. Such as Maxis company is launching some Apples company product and also some latest android smart phone. Although the product are not manufacturing by them, but they use this opportunity to attract customer because in days right now, smart phone is playing an important role among the people, it helps people a lot in their daily life such as reading mail in everywhere at any time, and also can access to internet for information easily. But the problem is the price for a smart phone is expensive and are not affordable by many people, so Maxis company had launch the package for purchasing the smart phone in a low price and also at the same time their customer can enjoy the internet which are include in the package. So this attract many people who decide to take the package that Maxis offer because it is useless with a smart phone without internet, if a people buy a smart phone, he wil l also need to sign up a internet package but in this case, Maxis had launch a two in one package to convenience their customer. Besides that, Maxis Company is also up to trend. Because they are not just launching Apples product but they are also launching others smart phone such as Blackberry and also Samsungs smart phone. Others than smart phone, Maxis is launching tablet device in different package such as Samsung tab and also Ipad. This will attract many people especially the generation youth and the generation x to purchase and sign up their package. The second market opportunity that Maxis created is the 3G wireless broadband plans. This wireless broadband is actually for laptop or computer to access to internet at home or everywhere because the broadband need not to charge battery before use and also it also can function without putting a switch to the wall to have electric. It just only needs to plug in to the laptop USB drive to work. This wills convenience people who are travelling to other state in Malaysia and also are very suitable for business and personal use. The package is cheap comparing to others company and the coverage of Maxis is Malaysia is very strong. Maxis is also launching the fourth generation mobile phone communication standard which we called it 4G in the year 2013. With the latest technology of 4G, it will be faster to download and also access to internet comparing to 3G. So Maxis also grasp this opportunity in market and they are also starting their Research and development in order to launching the latest 4G in the market to increase their customer, their sales volume, their revenue and also the most important is to compete with their competitors such as Tm Unifi, Digi broadband, P1 Wimax, Celcom Broadband and others company that exist in the Market. Recommendation for maxis First of all, it is recommended that Maxis take immediate measures to launch smartphone plan in its call plan or internet plan. In fact, according to a March 2010 Nielson survey, more than 50 percent of Americans own smartphones. The smartphone offered in market are mainly from two major players which is Googles Android and Apples iPhone.Salodow, K. (2012). Approximately half of all respondents had a smartphone at the time of the ABI survey. Projections for market penetration indicate that by 2015, three-quarters of business users will be toting smartphones.Barnes, N., Barnes, F. (2012).Besides, Blackberry smartphone also can take into account. The growth of mobile smartphone is pretty amazing. By offering these smartphone in low priced together with Maxis plan package, this would attract a lot more new customer to subscribe to Maxis plan. After they started to use Maxis service, they might find the service is affordable and continue to use Maxis service in a long term. Due to th e interpersonal determinants of consumer behavior, when everyone has a smartphone, this would influence one another to own a smartphone too. If Maxis offer an affordable price for these smartphone together with a package plan, there would be a lot of customer will consider subscribing the package. Well, smartphone will always introducing the new series of its model. The result of that are smartphone model and package plan must be always up to date in order to catch customer attention. The growth of users of Maxis would be huge and this might leads to a profitable outcome. Other than launching smartphone plans, it is also recommended that Maxis should focus on its 3G wireless broadband plans. Internet has fundamentally altered the way the world interacts and communicates. Internet use has grown up not only in total numbers, but also in terms of per capita usage. Maxis also signs up Siemens for 3G expansion.Maxis had invested US$108m on a controlled roll-out of its 3G network following service launch in July.Dennis, W. (2005).This shows that the network coverage of Maxis is improving rapidly. The purpose of doing this is to extend its maxis 3G coverage to more areas in the country. Maxis CEO, Jamaludin Ibrahim says the company will first focus on the states of Johor, Penang and the Klang valley before going nationwide over a period of two to five years, depending on the success rate in the initial key areas. Dennis, W. (2005). With the proper improvement done by Maxis, the 3G service that offered by Maxis would meet customer expectation in the future. Rapid advances in mobile Internet technologies now allow consumers to interact, create, and share content based on physical location. Such ubiquitous access tothe mobile Internet also provides companies with new marketing opportunities. Ghose, A., Sang Pil H. (2011).Therefore, Maxis should offer more different kind of quota package in order to satisfy their customer needs. With a higher internet quota package, it might cost a little bit more. It leads to a better profit. Furthermore, Maxis is looking to launch its 4G service early next year in 2013. This is a good market opportunity for Maxis to attract more customers with this brand new service. Therefore, Maxis should spend a little more on their advertisement in order to promote this upcoming service. The purpose of these advertisement made is not just for promoting the service, but also to explain how 4G works and the benefits of using it. In telecommunications, 4G is the fourth generation of mobile phone mobile communications standards. With hold, Maxis has entered into an infrastructure and spectrum sharing agreement which will enable customers to speed up the development of their 4G LTE mobile networks. Once it built, its 4G LTE will be able to deliver the fastest mobile data connectivity not just in Malaysia, but the region with transmission rates up to 150mbps. LTE networks can handle twice the traffic of most 3G networks, the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, and video-streaming and cloud-computing services will drive up demand for mobile data eighteenfold through 2016, according to Cisco.Burrows, P. (2012).It is an advance service which could meet heavy internet users expectation. It is a successor of the third generation (3G) standards. Therefore, the charges will be cost slightly higher than 3G service. Above all mentioned are the recommendation that suits Maxis to increase their profit and also attract more customers. The basic objective of business is to develop, produce and supply goods and services to customers. This has to be done in such a way as to allow companies to make a profit. In conclusion, Maxis must always come out with new ideas and practice it different ways in order to sustained in the market.Only profitable companies are sustainable in the long term and capable of creating goods, services, processes, return on capital, work opportunities and a tax base. Conclusion At last, we know that the Maxis SDN BHD is a very good company by its use the strategic to all the customer. And control their worker to give the customer the best, let the customer satisfied to its company. And the manager monitor their worker to accomplish the mission. Maxis always do the promotion to let the goodwill of maxis is increasing. The product of maxis is always up to date let the customer can change the plan and to change the mobile phone such as iphone 5 and the data plan of maxis. Maxis also manage the distribution channel to meet the customer demand. The Maxiss pricing objectives including profitability objective, its purpose is to maximize the profit and target return. The volume objective, its purpose is to maximize quantity and become market share leader. Thus, the psychological pricing strategy is most being used by Maxis. And we recommendation to maxis, that are our people need and want by now. So if the maxis can do that, we think maxis is the leader of the mobi le communications service provider. References Bibliography MAXIS IS OFFICIAL TELCO SPONSOR FOR BADMINTON ASSOCIATION OF MALAYSIA. (2012, November 5). Retrieved november 13, 2012, from Maxis: Product Life Cycle model. (2009, january 25). Retrieved november 13, 2012, from tomspencer: Vison Value. (2012). Retrieved november 13, 2012, from Maxis: Arumugam, T. (2012, March 04). Marketing plan for maxis. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from slideshare: MANUFACTURING STRATEGY. (2012, February 29). Retrieved November 11, 2012 , from manustrategy: Pricing Setting Prices Pricing Objectives. (2012, October 24). Retrieved November 13, 2012, from tutor2u: Maxis Communications. (2012, November 15). Retrieved November 16, 2012 , from wikipedia: Dennis, W. (2005). HYNIX BACK ON TRACK. lEE Review , 1. The iPhone/Android Hits the DR Market. (2012). responsemagazine , 1-6. Smartphone Technologies. (2012). INFORMATIONMANAGEMENT , 1-7. An Empirical Analysis of User Content Generation. (2011). MANAGEMENT SCIENCE , 1-22.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Education of Boys in Victorian England :: Victorian Era
Education of Boys in Victorian England The Upper and Middle Classes * The Elementary School Act of 1870 made school compulsory up to the age of 12. * The most famous group of public schools was referred to as â€Å"the Nine Great Public Schools.†* The famous schools were Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Winchester, Shrewsbury, Charterhouse, Westminster, St. Paul's, and Merchant Taylors. * These schools were originally opened up to everyone and sustained through the donations of wealthy donors. Initially taught boys Latin and Greek grammar but in 1861 the administration was changed and more of the sciences were included. As a result, the schools became public in name only and were attended pretty much by upper class and middle class boys only. * Children of the upper and middle classes were taught at home by governesses or tutors until they were old enough to attend public schools. * Public schools were important for sons of well-off or aspiring families because schools gave them the opportunity to establish connections which could later help them out in their careers. * Most of the boys that attended these schools went off to Cambridge and Oxford and then later on to Parliament. * George Osborne was not of the upper classes but he interacted a lot with them and it was a possibility for a gain in status. * A lot of emphasize was placed on athletic games. They oftentimes even took precedence over the learning of Greek and Latin. Being a sportsman reaffirmed a man's leadership. The Lower Classes * Boys of the lower classes were excluded from attending the â€Å"public†schools of England because they did not fit into what was expected of the boys that attended those schools. * The boys attending the public schools were most often than not of well to do families, which meant they would be well-dressed, well-mannered boys. * Boys from the lower classes did not have the same upbringing and as a result did not fit into the public schools instead they attended what were often referred to as Ragged Schools. Purposes of Education * For the upper classes, the purpose of an education was to raise gentlemen and prepare them for prestigious appointments in Parliament or government.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Free Epic of Gilgamesh Essays: Themes of Gilgamesh :: Epic Gilgamesh essays
Themes of the Epic of Gilgamesh  Many themes are incorporated into the story line of Gilgamesh. These include three very important concepts: death is inevitable, immortality is unachievable, and friendship is a necessity. One of the main themes in the epic is that death is inevitable, which is shown through Enkidu's death. When Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh becomes very worried, because he realizes for the first time that everyone is going to die at some point in time. The fact that Enkidu is a close friend makes it even more visible to Gilgamesh that everyone is mortal. Then, along with this realization, comes the theme of denial. Gilgamesh does not want to accept the fact that he will die. He denies the truth, because he does not want to think about the truth or cope with the tragedy that has struck him. "And he-he does not lift his head. 'I touched his heart, it does not beat'" (Tablet VIII, Column II, 15-16). "'Me! Will I too not die like Enkidu? Sorrow was come into my belly. I fear death; I roam over the hills. I will seize the road; quickly I will go to the house of Utnapishtim, offspring of Ubaratutu. I approach the entrance of the mountain at night. Lions I see, and I am terrified. I lift my head to pray to the mood god Sin: For...a dream I go to the gods in prayer: ...preserve me!'" (Tablet IX, Column I, 3-12). The theme of death being inevitable leads to another theme, similar to the first. This is that immortality is unachievable, shown through similar examples as the first theme. Gilgamesh realizes that immortality is not obtainable after his quest for it. He discovers that the quest was pointless, because he will die regardless of the steps to prevent his death in the future. "'Never has a mortal man done that, Gilgamesh'" (Tablet IX, Column III, 8). "'The fate of mankind overtook him... In fear of death I roam the wilderness...Me, shall I not lie down like him, never again to move?'" (Tablet X, Column II, 3, 8, 13-14). "'From the beginning, there is no permanence'" (Tablet X, Column VI, 32).
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Butterfly Effect Case Study
The Butterfly Effect Case Study How Narrative Is Used In The Butterfly Effect To Add Enjoyment For The Audience Narratives are used in â€Å"The Butterfly Effect†to add enjoyment for the audience in a number of different ways. â€Å"The Butterfly Effect†released in 2004 after 7 years being made, produced and recorded. This all began in 1997 and was a time consuming piece to begin with. The writers and directors â€Å"Eric Bress†and â€Å"J. Mackye Gruber†who previously written â€Å"Final Destination 2†which took in an average of ? 0,000,000 which shows that these two directors can write good story line making â€Å"The Butterfly Effect†and sure loved film. This can be justified by knowing and researching that â€Å"Final Destination 2†was nominated for four awards 2 of which were in â€Å"Best Story Line†in 2003 and 2004. This film has many institutions that have been used to represent this film. Using multiple institut ions like this is commonly known as a synergy or a conglomerate. This institute behind the film are â€Å"Icon†, â€Å"Warner Brothers†, â€Å"Newline Cinemas†and also â€Å"Film Engine Benderspink†. The producer â€Å"Chris Bender†who was newly producer for film like â€Å"The Hangover†and â€Å"I Am Number 4†Has made a big impact on the film â€Å"The Butterfly Effect†Also The other producers that have been producing the film alongside Chris Bender are as followed. A. j. Dix, Anthony Rhulen and JC Spink. These 4 producers up-to-date have never worked on the same film before The audience expectations are multiple genres of the film. Firstly a mystical type of film. This is given by the case of the DVD when we see the several layers of pictures that end up to a butterfly hence â€Å"The Butterfly Effect†. These layers are filled with the main star of the film, â€Å"Ashton Kutcher†and close ups of the human skull. This makes it look like there are problems with the mind and the physiological problems that this film or character is facing. Also another one is the fact that the people believe they are going to watch a film for all ages. But the 15 certificate was deserved for the twisted story line that this film is going on. Also whilst reading a review on IMDB. COM I have found out that people bought this film and watched this because they believed that it was going to be a calm film due to the name butterfly, which is one of the only animals that couldn’t hurt anything. But the twisted story line kept their eyes glued to the television and couldn’t stop watching. Narratives are used in the film; firstly we have todorov’s theory which basically changes something that should be causing and equilibrium. This works well in the film because with â€Å"Evan’s†childhood blackouts stick with him due to his family history, for example his father before him experiencing black =outs and went insane because of it. after this event, 7 years later the blackouts return but this time instead of ignoring them he goes to see his childhood sweetheart â€Å"Kayleigh Miller†who ends up committing suicide as soon as â€Å"Evan†begins changing part of the equilibrium. Changing the blackouts to bring Kayleigh back to life by stopping her father abusing her and changing the video camera moment to something different. This causes several equilibriums and continues for most of the film. This all ends after killing Kayleigh with dynamite as he visits the blackout a second time. This allows him to end the film and also the equilibrium in two possible ways. One is to return as a baby killing himself inside his mother’s womb, or secondly going back to a party that he first met Kayleigh and telling her that he never want to see or have anything to do with her ever again. This causes everybody’s life to be happier and on the downside he can choose never seeing Kayleigh again or killing himself. Until the present day when finishing college seeing Kayleigh walking along the street and begins to following. Causing the equilibrium to finish for good. The DVD case shows several layers. As the layer starts as a skull showing problems that hurts everyone in everything that he does. Then ends up as a butterfly with the problems coming to end and never hurting anybody else. Or in fact Kayleigh Antony Scott 12TJI
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Sports Teams Regulating Social Networking
Disputes are arising between new media usage and sports teams/leagues. Many of these disagreements are because of new media outlets such as but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and youTube. The sports teams are trying to regulate the usage because they want to profit from the media. Their profit comes from their own in-house media operation and, as in the case of the NFL, operating their own cable channel. When non-regulated media is available to the public the sports teams risk losing a profit and having negative press. Benjamin Hickman analyzes, in the Old Law, New Technology: The First Amendment’s Application When Sports Teams and Leagues Attempt to Regulate New Media, if the First Amendment can dictate to what extent sports teams may regulate the use of the new media. Across the Pacific in Australia Brett Hutchins and David Rowe examine their countries media crisis between sports teams and media. Reconfiguring Media Sport for the Online World: An Inquiry into â€Å"Sports, News, and Digital Media†comprehensively states that with the growth of technology attitudes towards media usage need to develop with it. Media is being infused into every aspect of our lives, especially entertainment arenas like sports. For a sports team to not allow or restrict media coverage may only be holding the organization back. Allowing other teams, sports, and entertainment outlets to take center stage and the valuable attention of fans and audiences. The younger audiences now want new mediums like blogging. Blogging is popular among sports fans and sports related media. The new wave of communication technology was sudden and Brad Shultz and Mary Lou Sheffer suggests that sports media isn’t ready for the change in Left Behind: Local Television and the Community of Sport. Research Article 1 – Old Law, New Technology: The First Amendment’s Application When Sports Teams and Leagues Attempt to Regulate New Media Benjamin Hickman examines the Fist Amendment’s role to whether sports teams and leagues can regulate the use of new media by fans and the press at sports events. Hickman examines the current Fist Amendment framework explaining the influence of new media on both sides. Hickman first reveals Brian Bennett’s story, a reporter for The Courier-Journal in Louisville. Bennett blogged in real time, in 2007, about a baseball game at the University of Louisville. Bennett was immediately ejected from the press box and his press credential was revoked. â€Å"Reporters covering our championships may blog about the atmosphere, crowd and other details during a game but may not mention anything about the game action. Any reference to game action in a blog or other type of coverage could result in revocation of credentials,†an NCAA official said in a statement to The New York Times. This is an attempt for the sports teams to have control. With the rise of new media their exposure had become exposed. Hickman observes how sports teams feel the need for complete regulation because of the influence that new media has on the press, fans, and the general public. Hickman describes a scenario where fans collaborate together using social networking sites to stage a walk out. This situation would be hard for the sports teams to control if they weren’t able to regulate media usage. This is the risk that sports teams are trying to avoid. By managing all outlets of communication the sports teams are ensuring that they won’t have any bad PR mishaps. Research Article 2 – Reconfiguring Media Sport for the Online World: An Inquiry into â€Å"Sports, News, and Digital Media†The U. S. and Australia are similar in several aspects of media growth. Both Australians and American citizens are browsing websites, social networking, watch online videos, and have a youtube account to name a few. All of these new technologies are becoming increasingly more popular and integral to our everyday life. Brett Hutchins and David Rowe are both University professors who gathered evidence supporting the hypothesis that â€Å"emerging media sport markets are characterized by complex interaction, tense competition, and awkward overlaps between broadcast media and networked digital communications. This situation has disturbed the established media sport order and destabilized pivotal organizing categories, including the definition of â€Å"sports news†(Hutchins). Hutchins and Rowe concluded that the fierce competition between news media outlets, fans, and sports organizations are because of the profit gained when audiences are watching. Sports teams used to not worry about coverage of their game because there was only one source used and available. However, with mobile technology this is becoming increasingly harder. Sports organizations in Australia and the U. S have been trying to adhere by every restriction imaginable so that their profits won’t suffer. In seeking to attract as many users as possible to their sites, sports organizations were accused by media organizations of unfairly restricting the online activities of the news media and journalists and, in the process, attempting to dictate the shape, content, and even definition of news†(Hutchins). Research Article 3 – Left Behind: Local Television and the Community of Sport Brad Shultz and Mary Lou Sheffer explain the technological shift in the sports world through their qualitative and quantitative data. They discovered that local television stations are not engaged in sports blogging and see little value in it. This may be the sign of traditional sports coverage changing and the sports community acting too reluctant to change. â€Å"This resistance to change may be an indication that local sports television is abdicating its traditional role in the community of sport, which has primarily been defined as the provider of local sports news to local sports audiences†(Shultz). The defense against new media changes were apparent in both the qualitative and quantitative data. Their study asked professional journalists associated with a local media outlet in the sports section 15 questions and an open ended question asking their opinion on sports blogging. Results showed that out of 654 television stations currently offering a local sports segment within a newscast, 83 stations were involved in blogging (13%). This would seem to indicate, at least at the current time, that local television stations are not heavily investing in blogging in their sports content†(Shultz). Hickman claims to look at all sides and opens up with a compelling story about a journalist ousted by blogging, however, he defends the sports teams side almost completely, with a resolution of new media will cause dilemmas but in the end sports teams can regulate at their own discretion. To the extent that sports teams and leagues are seeking to protect potential sources of revenue, the First Amendment is unlikely to stand in the way. If, however, they begin regulating new media's use to prevent negative publicity from going viral, it is far from certain whether such action will survive First Amendment scrutiny. †Hutchins and Row’s facts started broad and then built up to the root of the problem, sports teams wanted the most attention of fans and audiences. However, the news media outlets are competition and now the burgeoning forces of the average fan on YouTube which pumps out unpredictably one hit wonders ever week. Hutchins and Rowe first lay out the challenges each group face: â€Å"sports organizations want to maintain or improve the value of broadcast rights, contracts; broadcasters struggle to establish complementary and attractive online sites and distribution; while fans and Users Access quality sports news and information in the face of plentiful online choice. When seeing every sides challenges and needs it allowed equal opportunity for all opinions. The data collected in this research article was very thorough and answered statistical questions not answered in the other two articles. Shultz and Sheffer were able to compile their findings using theoretical and industry rationales which revealed the sports organizations employees motives, and even fears. â€Å"The media landscape has changed so drastically in the past few years that it has created an environment of tremendous uncertainty†(Shultz). These insights are exceptionally informative and allowed a balanced understanding of all of the possible outcomes. Brian Bennett, a journalist who has gotten caught in the crossfire, must be especially confused because all he did was blog; which sounds harmless. However, the current framework allows sports teams and leagues to regulate most of the speech at sports events. The reason why is because they grant exclusive rights to TV and radio stations, sell ads, and require reporters to have credentials. A few years ago, before social networking, this worked out fine and these regulations were not questioned. Although many are starting to question the current framework because of the fans and press easy accessibility to communicate online. Since the sports teams are trying to control every speck of correspondence about themselves when do we, as a people, have freedom of speech. â€Å"Professional sports teams and leagues enjoy the luxury of regulating speech without constitutional constraints because the First Amendment does not apply to them. Thus, from a First Amendment perspective, privately owned sports teams and leagues enjoy considerable freedom to regulate speech at sports events†(Hickman). This is allowing each sports team have the right to be notified when a comment is made about themselves. I feel that this shouldn’t be allowed and unless formally publishing your opinions, no one should be able to control that. The U. S. has the constitution in which is the First Amendment, in striving to protect and better the lives of each citizen. However, once again the U. S. as skewed the meaning of the document to benefit the conglomerate; this time being sports organizations. Hutchins and Rowe simply explains that the government should not intervene and that each sports organization that wants to be involved with the new media craze should enter at their own risk. They also completely denounce sports and news media to be the same content. â€Å"In the case of both groups, news is treated as a malleable categ ory, reflecting the self interest and identity of the speakers. Sports are demanding a rigid, content-driven definition of news defined in terms of time, features, and repetition. This formulation effectively divorces the technical characteristics of footage from any social and political function achieved by news, and ignores the fact thateffective journalism requires flexibility when responding to changing social conditions, commercial considerations, and technologies†(Hutchins). The data collected by Shultz and Sheffer show a side that the other two research articles didn’t. This is fear of change; their quantitative research unmasked a community of life long careers used to doing the same thing and not looking for anything else. ‘Sports is one of the last areas of TV where people do things the way they’ve always done them,’’ says television executive Elliott Wiser, â€Å"[Today] you have to have a new approach’’(Shultz). Unfortunately, those who ignore the new media changes will be left behind. â€Å"The ‘‘do something now’’ attitude reflects the new media environment of an e mpowered audience. Interactive communication, participation in the sports dialogue, and the ability to create and distribute content have combined to make the consumer much more demanding in the evolving community of sport†(Shultz).
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