Saturday, August 31, 2019
Recruitment Software Specification Essay
Features & Functionalities of Recruitment Automation Software: This is an software for the placement consultants who work for their clients to recruit the best candidate for them. This software will have three different management systems, namely Candidate Management, Client Management and Recruiters Management. Also there will be master admin who can control all these activities. Some optional modules can also be suggested for the better management of the system. The features and functionalities: 1. Candidate Management a. All the candidate’s data can be stored in the database by filling up a form in which the name, phone, email, location, qualification, experiences, keywords and other related details of the candidate can be taken. b. The resume of the candidates can also be browsed and uploaded in the system c. The entire resume and the candidate profiles can also be searched by keyword, experience, location etc. 2. Client Management a. The client details like company name, address, contact person, phone, email, designation and the other related details can be entered in the form and saved to create the master of the clients b. The MOU with a client can be digitally uploaded in the system c. The client’s open positions can be entered and assigned to any recruiter with all the details (desired profile, job responsibilities etc.) d. The shortlisted candidate’s resume can be sent to the clients for final review/interview/written test e. The offer letter format of the client can be managed and it can be given to the candidates who are selected (closed position); similar activity can be done for the notice period agreement also f. When a position is closed, the billing of the same be sent to the client (invoice) g. If the bill is not cleared by the due date, the reminder email will be sent to the client continuously each time after a certain interval till the time the admin changes the billing status as â€Å"Received†3. Recruiters Management a. Master (name, designation, address, Date of joining, qualification, salary etc.) b. Open position assignment with a deadline c. Recruiters should be able to update the status of the candidates after any telephonic round of interview with them d. The candidate’s profile must be separated in such a manner that multiple recruiters do not work upon a same profile e. On the log in page the recruiters should be able to see the To Do List; e.g. To Call (23), Offer Letter (7), Joining (4), Open position (3) etc. f. The recruiters should be able to send the Daily Reports (which must not take them much time & with no manipulation) to the admin with their remarks g. Recruiters can notify the admin if any position is closed 4. Reports a. Open position status (clients, positions, recruiter handling, update, last date to close etc.) b. Billing status (clients, positions closed, recruiter, amount as per bill, date to clear, received (y/n), etc.) c. Recruiter’s Performance analysis can be analyzed (recruiters, positions handled, open, closed, closing rate, revenue generated, monetary productivity (lifetime revenue / months worked) 5. Optional Features a. SMS alert for i. Billing reminder to client ii. Appointment reminder to candidate b. Flexibility to integrate the consultancy’s own JOB PORTAL keeping this system at the back†end c. Recruiter’s incentive calculation
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Glass Menagerie Essay
â€Å"Choose a play in which a central character behaves in an obsessive manner. Describe the nature of the character’s obsessive behaviour and discuss the influence this behaviour has on your understanding of the character in the play as a whole.†â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†is a play written by Tennessee Williams. The play is semi-autobiographical, told from the point of view of the writer. It is a memory play set in the home the Wingfield family. The play is about a young man, Tom, who lives with his mother, Amanda and his sister, Laura. The play explores the various struggles of each individual during the great depression. The characters all have their flaws and motives which help us to understand them and sympathise or agree with them. All the characters in the play behave in some sort of obsessive manner; however, Amanda behaves most strongly this way. Amanda Wingfield is one of the main characters and plays a great role in the readers understanding of the play as a whole. She behaves in a very obsessive manner throughout the play and this creates conflict between the other characters. In Scene one, we are introduced to Amanda’s obsessive and controlling behaviour. As Tom eats at the dinner table, Amanda continuously pesters him, telling him how to eat his food. â€Å"Don’t push with your fingers. If you have to push something, the thing to push with is the crust of bread†¦So chew your food and give your salivary glands a chance to function!†Amanda treats Tom like a child which frustrates him. He is very short tempered and easily irritated by Amanda’s over controlling and obsessive personality. She also obsesses over Toms bad habits, proclaiming that; â€Å"you smoke too much.†Amanda is constantly complaining about Tom and criticising him, this is due to her infatuation and constant desire for perfection in all aspects of her life. She is like this as she cares for them but does not realise that she is smothering her children. In Scene three, Amanda has a heated argument with Tom. This is instigated by Amanda’s act of throwing out Toms books. She exclaims that she â€Å"took that horrible novel back to the library.†This angers Tom and he vents all his frustration on her controlling nature and the sense of entrapment as a consequence of this. Amanda is also very controlling over Toms actions as she gets suspicious of what he gets up to at night. This emphasises the lack of freedom that Tom feels due to her behaviour and it creates tension and arguments between them. Tom feels the need to escape but Amanda is obsessed with the fact duty and responsibility comes first. Amanda is worried about her children and feels that it is her responsibility to monitor their actions at all times, however she fails to realise the effect this has on them. Amanda also obsesses over Laura in Scene three; â€Å"Laura began to play a more and more important part in Mother’s calculations. It became an obsession†¦ the image of the gentleman caller haunted our small apartment.†She is preoccupied with finding Laura a gentleman caller as she feels that this would be best for the family. Laura, being disabled, puts financial strain upon the family. If Amanda was able to procure a gentleman caller for her, this would ensure a better quality of living for her and the family. Amanda constantly tells Laura to expect many gentlemen callers and decides to ignore her disability. She tells Laura to â€Å"stay fresh and pretty for gentleman callers.†Amanda’s insensitivity in this matter crushes Laura’s confidence. In Scene six, on hearing the news of the arrival of the potential gentleman, Amanda â€Å"has worked like a Turk in preparation.†This implies her obsession with appearance and impressing Jim. She deceives people into making them think that they are a wealthy family – despite the fact they are not rich. She attempts to make a lasting impression on Jim in the hope that he may be their saviour from poverty. Amanda is doing this for the benefit of both herself and her family. Whilst trying to secure a suitor for Laura, Amanda often reminisces about her own past. She is still living in the past and speaks of it often – so often that Tom and Laura can already foresee what is coming next. â€Å"Tom: I know what’s coming. Laura: Yes. But let her tell it†¦ She loves to tell it.†She often talks of her â€Å"seventeen gentlemen callers.†Amanda is self obsessed and narcissistic, implying that she judges a woman’s worth by the amount of attention she receives – further causing Laura to feel insecure about herself. Amanda is vain and egotistical and obsesses over her appearance. In Scene two she is described as wearing â€Å"cheap or imitation velvety-looking cloth coats with imitation fur collar.†She cares very much for her appearance and she takes pride in it. Her clothes show that she is still living in her own past yet now is only a faded southern bell. Amanda is used to attention and in Scene seven, she makes sure to dress attractively, despite the fact that it is supposed to be Laura’s night. Amanda â€Å"wears a girlish frock of yellowed voile with a blue silk sash†¦ the legend of her youth is nearly revived.†The occasion of Jim the potential gentleman caller, reminds her of her own past, in which she had countless gentleman callers. Not only does Amanda obsess over her own appearance but also the appearance of her children. Before Jim arrives, in Scene six; â€Å"Amanda produces two powder puffs which she wraps in handkerchiefs and stuffs in Laura’s bosom.†This highlights the recurring theme of appearance versus reality, which is evident in many of Amanda’s actions. She is so engrossed in her actions, she I willing to deceive people in order to get what she feels she needs. She obsesses over many things in Scene seven, for example, she insists that Laura open the door to Jim and Tom and is insensitive to Laura’s anxieties and insecurities. However Amanda is only doing this due to the fact that Jim acts as a beacon of hope for them all and she is eager for the evening to be a success. In conclusion, Amanda is deeply flawed throughout in regards to her obsessive and over controlling manner. Due to her behaviour, she eventually drives Tom away. However, she only means well in her actions. She is critical of her children because she feels she knows what is best for them. Her obsessive nature influences the readers understanding of her character in the play as a whole. It helps the reader understand Amanda’s and her children’s struggles, hopes and fears.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Capital Allocation Competency on Business
This study has highlighted the marketing behaviour of Wesfarmers Limited. In this connection, this study has highlighted stakeholder’s perceptions regarding the performance of the organisation. In addition, this study has provided the reputation, mission and corporate service responsibility of Wesfarmers. On the other hand, in this study the annual ranking of Wesfarmers would be mentioned. This study has also identified the stakeholders of the organisation. The business objectives of Wesfarmers would be discussed in this connection. In this section, Wesfarmers Limited is a renowned Australian conglomerate and the head quarter is in Western Australia. Wesfarmers is famous for its retailing business. In addition, Wesfarmers is also famous for the production of chemicals, fertilisers, coal mining and other safety products. As opined by Ohata & Kumar (2012), it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers has earned highest revenue in the year of 2015 within the industry. Wesfarmers has earned AUS$ 62.7 billion revenue. Moreover, it can be added that Wesfarmers overtook it’s rival Woolworths Limited. The number of employees in this organisation is approximately 205000 and therefore, it can be identified that Wesfarmers is the largest private organisation of Australia. On the other hand, it can be mentioned that the number of shareholders of Wesfarmers are approximately 530,000. Wesfarmers cooperative limited was developed in the year of 1914 as a cooperative organisation. In the year of 1919, more than 65 cooperative org anisations were treated as the agents of Westralian farmers association. On the other hand, it can be stated that after becoming a renowned public organisation, Wesfarmers has aimed to acquire other businesses. In this context, Wesfarmers has acquired Coles group, departmental stores, Kmart automobile organisations, chemical, energy and the fertilisers companies. In the words of Arrfelt et al., (2015), the objectives of Wesfarmers can be discussed briefly in the following: This study also highlights the mission statement of Wesfarmers. In this connection, Haar & White (2013) opined that Wesfarmers aimed to deliver a satisfactory return to the organisational shareholders. Moreover, it can be stated that Wesfarmers has aimed to develop and maintain a disciplined business culture. Furthermore, it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers has focused on four core values such as openness, integrity, boldness and accountability, with refer to the appendix 1. As per the concept of integrity, Wesfarmers tried to do right thing, whereas the openness mission is helpful to work together as one team. The boldness mission highlighted that Wesfarmers always aimed to improve their business performance to earn more revenue compared to it’s competitors.  The accountability factor aimed to the cost structure of the organisation. Mehta & Gupta (2014) added that Wesfarmers aimed to follow end to end relationship with the stakeholders and aimed to manage each of the phase of partner’s work wear cycle. Wesfarmers group has also aimed to the entire systems and processes to meet the organisational passion for the business. According to Benn, Dunphy & Griffiths (2014), it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers is at thirteenth position as per the ranking of corporate reputation index of 2015. The shares of Wesfarmers Limited are higher by 1%. On the contrary, Jia et al., (2014) argued that over the last 12 months the performance of Wesfarmers is not at all impressive along with the gaining of the share price by 3.6%, compared to the 8.1% gain in the index. As per the review, it can be added that the retail market offer the investors of the organisation a steadier growth profile. Therefore, it can be opined that the return on earnings from the business has increased. As a result, the overall profitability of the organisation would be increased ( As per the statement of Kim, Lee & Prideaux (2014), it can be stated that Wesfarmers used to listen and understand the necessity and requirements of the stakeholders in order to make the business of the organisation successful. This stud has identified the employees, consumers, shareholders, suppliers, media, government and the non government organisations as the stakeholders of the company. As per the recent study, it can be noticed that Wesfarmers has employed 220000 people in the year of 2016. Cosby (2014) mentioned that the employees of Wesfarmers seek to be a part of the decision making procedure and provide their valuable review, which would be helpful for the business restructuring. The organisation has also aimed to receive feedback from the employees to improve the performance of the organisation. In this connection, the whistle blower process is benefitted to receive the reviews of the subordinates annually (Ellinger et al., 2012). Wesfarmers always tried to communicate with it’s consumers in order to identify the satisfaction of them. In this connection, the organisation has tried to contact with them through emails, letters, telephones and also trough official websites. After collecting the information and consumers’ feedback, the management supervise the feedback of the consumers based on the collected information. The main issue, which the shareholders of Wesfarmers increased, is connected with the balance sheet and the industrial competitiveness. This would be helpful to operate the dividend policy and portfolio management. Wesfarmers aimed to maintain a long term relation with the suppliers. In this context, Shen et al., (2013) cited that the long term business sustainability would be improved. Wesfarmers is able to return the investment of the suppliers from the business. With refer to the appendix 2, the seven dimensions of corporate culture figure depicted that corporate competency is helpful to analyse the connection between the corporate communication strategy, organisational stakeholders’ position and the performance of the organisation. In the point of Killingsworth & Flynn (2016), it can be mentioned that although there are some small inconsistencies within the model, these minor shortcomings would be reflected in case of the application of seven dimensions of corporate personality scale. On the other hand, it can be added that this corporate connection can be discussed with the help of seven following dimensions, which are benefitted to achieve the mission and the vision statement of an organisation. As per the concept of agreeableness, it can be mentioned that agreeableness is depending upon four dimensions such as social justice, sustainability, and openness and employee engagement. Wesfarmers has aimed to maintain the open arm business culture and follow the corporate social responsibility to improve the business performance and also increase the satisfaction level of the consumers. In this context, Ohata & Kumar (2012) opined that the Wesfarmers also looking for the product innovation in order to improve the performance of the organisation. In addition, the organisation has planned to implement strategic plans to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Core competencies are helpful to develop the organisational strategic management. Strategic development would in turn help Wesfarmers to set the business goals. In addition, it can be mentioned that knowledge would provide the managers of the organisation relevant information. This information is required to recognise the opportunities within the business environment. In the words of Haar & White (2013), this dimension is able to control the inward looking, aggressive and the arrogant corporate personality of Wesfarmers. In this purpose, the managers of Wesfarmers need to monitor the performance of the employees significantly. With the help of this dimension, Wesfarmers would be able to overcome the challenging situation in the business. As opined by Mehta & Gupta (2014), it can be mentioned that the management of an organisation can maintain a stronger relationship with the external stakeholders. This dimension of corporate characteristics refers that Wesfarmers only recruited the efficient and skilled employees. Moreover, it can be added that the employees, who have experiences in this field get the opportunity to recruit. The performance of the skilled employees would in turn increase the overall productivity of the organisation. In order to develop the corporate communication strategies of Wesfarmers, this study has mentioned some relevant approaches. It is necessary to achieve the organisation’s goal to meet the business objectives. According to Benn, Dunphy & Griffiths (2014), these corporation strategies can increase the reputation of the organisation. In this purpose, Wesfarmers could improve the relationship with the stakeholders. The stakeholders also will willing to maintain a long term relationship with the organisation. Moreover, the corporate competencies are aimed to implement product innovation strategy in order to improve the business strategy. Therefore, it can be inferred that core competencies of the business would be increased. In addition, Cosby (2014) mentioned that it is necessary to develop the trust of the stakeholders. This is also important to make a business successful. On the other hand, it can be mentioned that Wesfarmers requires to improve the brand image and the brand valuation. This would increase the consumer purchase intentions and consumer loyalty. The consumers also would like to purchase goods from the organisation. Therefore, it can be inferred that the revenue earning by the organisation would be increased. This would in turn increase the profitability statement of the organisation. The business by the organisation would be expanded in the global market. On the other hand, Killingsworth & Flynn (2016) cited that based on the SWOT analysis, the strength and weakness of the organisation would be identified. This would in turn help the organisation to improve the performance by identifying the shortcomings in their performance. Therefore, these approaches can significantly improve the performance of Wesfarmers. After analysing the overall study, it can be recommended that seven dimension of competency is required to implement within the organisation. This can effectively increase the performance of an organisation. Moreover, it can be stated that the organisation also requires to follow corporate social responsibility program to achieve the business objectives. The performance of the organisation would be successful. This study has highlighted the importance of corporate communication. In this context, this study has described the background of the organisation. In addition, this study has mentioned the position of Wesfarmers as per the RepTrak review. This highlights the financial performance of the organisation. On the other hand, this study is important to identify the stakeholders of the organisation and how they reflect the business of the company. The mission and the vision statement of Wesfarmers has described in this connection. In this study, the importance of seven dimensions of corporate competency has discussed which has enhanced the essence of the study. Arrfelt, M., Wiseman, R. M., McNamara, G., & Hult, G. T. M. (2015). 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Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Baton Rouge Bus Boycott Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
The Baton Rouge Bus Boycott - Research Paper Example Nevertheless, there had been glaring differences between the South and the Northern American cities4, especially in regard to racial discrimination, hence the degree of residential, school, industrial, and etc., desegregation. On the one hand, the effect of economic changes in the South manifested itself as rapid industrialisation and urbanisation, as well as the migration to the South of a vast number of white-collar employees and their families, who had a very little stake in the support of the rural colour-caste system5. On the other hand, economic changes pushed Afro-Americans off the cotton farms pulled them to the cities which offered much better employment opportunities; thus, bringing about a mass migration – nearly one and a half million Afro-Americans would leave the South during the 1950s – which fundamentally altered the configuration of the racial issue, making it national in scope6. Those African-Americans who migrated from the South and found themselves a mid the lustre of the fast-moving northern cities, like New York, Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, etc., soon realised that even though the North was anything but heaven, the new surrounding afforded them â€Å"precious breathing space†and an opportunity to get rid of the most hellish aspects of their life in the South7. Other African-Americans who migrated to the West and settled in cities such as Los Angeles, for example, enjoyed the opportunity to vote as free men and women for the first time in their lives8. Despite the evident advantages of finding better jobs, better educational opportunities and gaining voting rights, many of the newcomers found that there were also many clear penalties9, most notably racism and its concomitants. The African Americans who were most frequently faced with white resistance – a euphemism for a threatening mob and its racist rhetoric – appeared those members of the rising black middle class anxious to buy property in ‘ni ce’ neighbourhoods, with good schools and services10. In the South, however, the situation appeared much worse since no desegregation at all, especially in schools, had taken place until 1957; with the exception of two school districts in Tennessee, five in Arkansas and about one hundred in West and South Texas11. Even though the practice of lynching African Americans had been almost abandoned in the years 1950-1955, and the segregation walls started to crumble in many cities of the border states, the peripheral and even the Deep South12, racial discrimination was still a prominent feature of the American social, economic and political realities. Nevertheless, perhaps due to less-oppressive racial mores in the urban areas, the so-called urban ‘blacks’ found it much easier to co-ordinate social protests13. Historical Background In early 1953, the City Council of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, voted to raise bus fares, which aggravated the local Afro-American community, w hose members constituted more than eighty per cent of the passengers14. The reason for the discontent came from the existing segregation practice in public transportation, according to which African American men and women were allowed to sit or stand only in the back of the city buses, while the front ten seats – as reserved for white passengers – more often than not remained empty15. To add insult to injury, the system required African American
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Practice and Ethics of Intelligence-Led Policing Essay
Practice and Ethics of Intelligence-Led Policing - Essay Example The essay "Practice and Ethics of Intelligence-Led Policing" talks about the intelligence-led policing, a crime reduction strategy supported by law that is based on a combination of crime analysis and the criminal intelligence. The origin of the concept of intelligence-led policing was in the United Kingdom (UK). The basis of the concept was to target offenders since in general it was found that more attention was given to crime determination rather than targeting the offenders who commit those crimes. Thus the concept was more oriented to the problems leading to the criminal activities. Making use of intelligence in crime analysis has the ability to utilize the available resources in strategically targeting offenders and try to prevent crime. However, the ethical considerations of this policy are equally significant. The present study focuses on the practice and ethics of intelligence-led policing and determines whether this policy should be the future of law enforcement. Intelligen ce, as can be associated with the analyses of crimes, can be referred to the availability of information that is analyzed as well. Thus raw information that is collected does not represent intelligence. Intelligence is when the data is assessed and analyzed and used for the purpose of crime detection, prevention, and reduction. Intelligence can be either tactical or strategic. Tactical intelligence enables the accomplishment of particular inquiries. Strategic intelligence focuses on the broader insights of the crime investigation.... Strategic intelligence on the other hand, focuses on the broader insights of the crime investigation and thus takes into consideration the entire plan and manpower involved in the process. While tactical measures are meant for immediate actions, strategic intelligence is considered and planned over a significant period of time producing effective solutions to crime related problems (Intelligence-Led Policing: The New Intelligence Architecture, 2005, p.3). The primary need for intelligence arises in making effective decisions, planning of measures, strategically targeting the offenders and thus preventing and reducing the crimes and their effects. Collection of information, processing them and using the power of analyzed intelligence are required and prove to be significantly useful in most of the agencies working under the law enforcement power. The need for intelligence based crime detection and prevention became more significant after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States (US). Thus, now, the large amounts of data being collected and processed prove to be an effective measure in order to analyze the crimes. The different forms of collection of information involve physical surveillance that may be either conducted by an individual or through videotaping, electronic surveillance that can be conducted through trapping or tracing of information, use of secret informers, operators who remain undercover, reports from newspapers or other sources of media, as well as public records (Intelligence-Led Policing: The New Intelligence Architecture, 2005, pp.3-6). Intelligence-Led Policing: The Origin and the Process: Although some of the law enforcement agencies might assert that they have been using the intelligence-led
Monday, August 26, 2019
R. Williams Construction Co. v. OSHRC Research Paper
R. Williams Construction Co. v. OSHRC - Research Paper Example After a serious investigation, the company was charged with some Occupational Safety and Health offences, which lead to expensive penalties. Discussion The paper will investigate the Williams construction company in relation to OSHA Act. It seeks to highlight the legal issues in the case, employer’s violation of the Act, and the role of the workers in maintaining the liability under the act. Legal issues The trench collapse that caused the death and serious injury of two Williams Company employees and the company’s violation of the OSHA Act summarizes the main legal issues in the case. Therefore, the legal concerns, who is responsible for upholding the violations of certain Occupational Safety and Health principles? Is it the court or the Williams construction company? The employer’s failures or violations After the investigation, the OSHA Act charged the Williams Construction company with a number of violations. First, the company failed to instruct and equip th e workers and managers with necessary strategies on how to identify and avoid hazardous working environment, as demanded by the OSHA regulations, (Wilshusen, Berg, Brookie, Okizaki & American Bar Association, (2008). The company did not provide any safety training to both the employees and managers in charge. For instance, Secondly, the company failed to make sure that the two workers did not need to move over 25 feet to a secure region, based on the OSHA Act requirements. The Act assumed that the employees were unaware of the depth they should attempt because the company did not issue any instruction about it. The company similarly, broke the law by offering just one safe egress mechanism at the east side of the forty-five deep excavation. Even though, it seems that one pump was stationed over twenty-five feet far from the ramp of the trench, the exact pumps’ position or the exact location of the employees verse the ramp during the collapse of the excavations, is rather imma terial. A person working not more than twenty-five feet away from the exit may prefer to move far away from the point of egress to do his work satisfactorily. Therefore, it is justified to predict that any workers already in the dangerous zone will be automatically exposed to the hazard itself. Therefore, this OSHA regulation applies irrespective of whether workers were exposed to real hazard during the time of trench fall. According to OSHA regulation, a violation is validated if a worker has access to hazardous zones over twenty-five feet away from egress means. Third, the company did not have a competent expert, trained mainly to ensure trench safety. The Act requires that the construction company should have a competent expert with certain knowledge and expertise in analysis of soil and protective mechanisms and able to identify fatal conditions. In additions, the company should have an expert to conduct routine excavation inspections to ensure hazardous conditions are identifie s as required by OSHA regulations, (Genson, Kerezman & American Bar Association, 2006). For instance, John, the supervisor confessed that he had not seen the safety manual of the company located at backside of the trucks seat. Additionally, the company did not train him as an OSHRC competent expert and had no any training apart from his job. Fourthly, the company did not ensure that the trench ways are supported and slopped based on the regulation requirements. Therefore, on the four above violations, the Labor Secretary
No topic needed this is part of paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
No topic needed this is part of - Research Paper Example This amount then helps in developing an economic structure so that the investor can afford the health expenditures in the future. Thus, the person plays a safe game by being insured. But lately, because of the recession, many people living in the United States have become unemployed because of which they are unable to renew their insurance packages. Secondly, uninsured people usually go to any physician irrespective of his expertise in the field. These physicians have no previous medical records of the person under treatment, thus they are not specialized in prescribing any sort of drugs to the person. When people intake wrong drugs, they risk their lives in the process. Wrong treatment results in side reactions, births of new diseases and outbursts of epidemics. Other than the doctor, the local government has to face all these troubles and allegations as well. When payment regarding the health insurance is not made, the cost incurred is to be covered by the hospitals of the health institutions. This results in the medical services deteriorating. Health problems are more prevalent in insured people than the insured ones. This is because the uninsured individuals resort to implementing on the medical advice taken from the local doctors. Or they try to treat themselves without any professional advice whatsoever which leads to chronic illnesses. Recent calculations show that 2 million uninsured individuals have been told that they have arthritis, 1.8 million have asthma and 1.3 million have chronic bronchitis. An additional 613,000 people have diabetes and a further 615,000 have cancer. These findings are evidence of the fact that uninsured people bear a greater risk of falling prey to chronic and deep-rooted illnesses, which is a bigger threat to the health of the nation as a whole. Many people – the number is unknown - suffer from a particular illness so they are uninsurable. One way of solving the problem of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
What is the significance of new communication technologies for Essay
What is the significance of new communication technologies for contemporary community or youth work - Essay Example The daily lives of youths in the present days are dominated by live communications such as internet chats, use of phones and SMS messaging, among many others. It is not possible to understand the lifestyles of the young people without considering the roles played, in their lives, by internet, mobile phones and other forms of new and modern technology. The teenagers and young people are spending a substantial part of their lifetime using modern technology such are computers, the internet, and mobile phones – hence this issue is incessantly becoming more significant. The new and modern technology has some positive as well as negative impacts on the lives of the youths and the community at large. Although I am aware that Internet has many advantages not only for young people but for the society in general, in my professional role as a youth worker, I only work with young people affected by the negative aspects as they are young people in need. It is through this forum that I have realised the strong need to protect this vulnerable group from the negative impact of new technology, as it will be discussed in this paper. Sociality – private/public boundaries There are various anthropology-based perspectives through which any technology can be studied including creation of social relations, the resultant rituals, the values fostered and the practices developed around the said technology by different users. On the other hand, cyberculture can be associated with new technologies in two areas, including biotechnology and artificial intelligence - such as information and computer technologies. The computer and information technologies have brought about a system of technosociality, which is an extensive process of sociocultural construction built in two systems originated from the so-called cyberculture. In contrast, biotechnologies are the origins of biosociality - a new system for production of nature, life and the body through biological innovations. All in all, cyberculture originates from modernity form of social and cultural matrix, which is seen as a step towards readjusting the dominant tradition. The computer is a reminiscent object and a predictive medium for the creation of various public and private worlds. As the culture of computers continues to spread, more peoples perceive themselves in terms of computers (Escobar 215). It is common to find the term ‘private’ being compared with ‘public’. The field of communication media has been synonymous with the creation of the situations of either being public of private. The private/public boundaries are shaped by the way humans have interacted with the world around them. For a case in point, modern technologies and communications such as televisions, radios, telephones and the internet have practically enjoined the outside and public worlds within the people’s private spheres, breaking the barrier between the two worlds. In addition, the modern te chnology has toughened the boundary of privacy within homes. By intervening in the external world within the home, and at the same time allowing people to interact with the external worl
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Religion in Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Religion in Africa - Essay Example African independent churches formed as a result of the political, social, and economic conditions that were prevalent in Africa at the time. Independent churches were formed as a way of protesting against colonial rule and how Africans, despite being considered equal to Europeans as Christians, were treated as lesser human beings. In most circumstances, Africans resented that they were forced to abandon their own ways and communities by the colonial governments through the influence of Christianity, so that these governments could continue to dominate every aspect of their lives (Mosala, 1985). They felt that Christianity was an extension of colonialism and this made it difficult for them to accept a European led church as part of their lives. These circumstances sowed the seeds of dissention among them as well as the need to remove themselves from the authority of European-led missions and to create churches of their own. As political movements against colonial rule, independent churches took an active part in rejecting the European way of life and chose instead to look back towards the African way of life where they be lieved that they were better off (Machoko, 2013). Their rejection of European ways ensured that they gained followers who felt the same way and this allowed these churches to thrive as they created a new niche for themselves within the Christian community. These movements had charismatic leaders who ensured that they took the first steps towards breaking away from their mother churches and form churches that were truly independent from ones of western origin through the integration of African practices. Independent churches came into being as a place of refuge for those Africans who did not have enough authority or economic means to protect themselves within their societies (Oduro 2006). These churches were highly attractive to the poor, oppressed and outcasts in their communities for whom
Friday, August 23, 2019
Criminological Theory - The Virginia Tech Massacre Essay
Criminological Theory - The Virginia Tech Massacre - Essay Example Popular Medias like television, film, video games and comic books have played a great role in increasing the violence among the young generation. Modern films are filled with scenes of violence; murders, rapes etc. Video games and other entertainment software include various aspects that encourage children and minors to engage in various types of violence. When children see their comic hero killing several people, they feel murder as a simple activity and dare to carry it out in schools and families. They resort to various forms of violence. Youngsters simply shot down their school and college mates for no reason. Violence is a hobby of the modern world. Pressure and stress can take adolescents to violence as they are not mentally strong to deal with the struggles in life. Public schooling is notorious for the pressure it puts on students. Students are forced to wear the ‘right’ clothes, do the ‘particular’ assignment, and are pressured to be interested in v arious things which they are not naturally interested in. Individualism is ignored in this type of environment. Children are pressured to conform to certain rigid standards and rule. This rigidity is strong enough to disturb the psychological stability of children. They are increasingly affected by stress and anxiety that are caused by the pressures and work loads in their schools. This increased stress and anxiety creates undesirable behavior in children that lead to incidents like school shooting. Adolescents are highly vulnerable to anxiety and depression. In today's high-pressure corporate world, anxiety is a common feeling. People naturally become anxious. The emotional price of staying on top is always very high. Anxiety is unavoidable in such circumstances. As the person reaches the highest level of anxiety, a failure or an unexpected event can make him easily depressed. Anxiety disturbs the normal thoughts of an individual. The present world is the world of competitions. Edu cation and career filed have become highly competitive. ‘Survival of the fittest’ is the theme of the modern academic field. Even little kids are out to achieve something in life. This generation is characterized by its excessive, exaggerated and disproportionate anxiety. A silly disappointment would finally push children into violence, depression, suicide and various other actions. Pressure and stress play a major role in incidents like school shooting. Adolescents are involved in majority of the school violence cases. Problems faced by the adolescents makes them resort of violence. They drink most, smoke most and have sex at very early age. They hate schools, neglect their health, and are least satisfied in their life. They don’t have any fellowship with their parents and hate their classmates. They lack good company and guidance. Adolescents are highly vulnerable to drug abuse and various other problems. Almost one third of the juveniles aged 12-to 20 use alco hol in US. According to the estimates nearly 11 million children or juveniles are alcohol consumers. According to the study conducted by the federal Substances Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, nearly children and juveniles consume 20% of the alcoholic drinks in United States. More than 7000 children in United States start drinking alcohol everyday. All these culminate in events
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Rising population of Women in Prison Homes in America Essay Example for Free
The Rising population of Women in Prison Homes in America Essay Introduction            Incarceration rates in the American region have been rising over the past 20 years. It could not be denied that through the statistical reports, major issues in incarceration include the undeniably increasing rates of women who are incarcerated. Their cases mostly range from the most basic personal assaults towards the murder cases. Both the aggressiveness of women and the weakness of the said gender to defend themselves from the injustices of the human law have naturally placed them in such situations.            In this regard, women who are giving birth n prisons also increase at the same time. More likely, these inmates are involved in either crime-based intercourse within or outside prison homes that they are able to conceive their babies inside their prison cells. How are the said pregnant omen treated and how are their babies delivered and cared for later on? What programs have been established to support the growing number of women who are delivering their children in prison homes? Moreover, if there could be a way to reduce the numbers of women who are annually incarcerated within the America prison homes, what would it possibly be?            These questions shall be discussed within the paragraphs that follow. This study mainly addresses to the topic using several research informations and actual program reports that have already been implemented within the prison homes of America. Moreover, through the use of critical analysis of the situation, this research is aimed in being able to show the truth on women behind bars and how they are treated as they bear their babies. Women in Prison Homes            According to the Chicago Legal Advocacy for Incarcerated Mothers, the growing rate of mothers or women who are incarcerated since the year 1994 have been increasingly disturbing. The reports of the said Legal Advocacy are to be listed as follows:            The number of women in Illinois state prisons at year-end 2002 was 2,520 – a 173% increase in ten years. As of yearend 2002, the number of incarcerated women nationwide was 97,491. Arrests of women for murder and manslaughter decreased 35.5% in that time. ï ¿ ½ Nationwide the percentage of women has more than doubled as a proportion of the population under correctional supervision, from 4% to 9%. About 15,000 women are detained in Cook County Jail annually and about 1,200 women are in the jail on any given day. 82 percent of all women detained at Cook County Jail in October 2001 were charged with non-violent offenses. More than 61% of women prisoners in Illinois serve sentences for property (32%) and drug (29%) offenses. Women’s crime has not become more violent, but sentencing has become harsher. ï ¿ ½ Like poverty, imprisonment disproportionately affects women of color. In 2002, 72% of women in pre-trial detention in Cook County were African-American, 7.5% were Latina, 11% were white, and 9% were multi-racial or other. Between 1990 and 2001 women admitted to Illinois prisons were 67.3% African-American, 26.9% white, and 5.1% Latina, with Asians and American Indians making up the other less than 1%. Nationally, black women were more than eight times as likely as white women to be in prison in 1997. ï ¿ ½ Both childhood and adult histories of abuse are strongly correlated with drug use among women. A 1994 study reported that 80% of women prisoners had experienced physical and sexual abuse, often beginning in childhood. ï ¿ ½ The Illinois Department of Corrections estimates that 80% of women prisoners need drug treatment, but it is available to only 20% of them. ï ¿ ½ In Illinois, more than 60% of women entering prison have not attained a high school diploma. ï ¿ ½ Rates of HIV infection are much higher in the prison population than in the general population. At year-end 2000, 3.6% of female state prison inmates were HIV-positive, compared to 2.2% of males. Prisoners in Illinois are paid as little as $15 per month for prison assignments but they must pay $2 for each doctor visit in prison. ï ¿ ½ Prisons are generally male-oriented and male-dominated. While there is a lack of programs and services for prisoners overall, the shortage for women is more stark. (Source: CHICAGO LEGAL ADVOCACY FOR INCARCERATED MOTHERS. 312.675.09111. 2003.            It is also according to this fact sheet that the incarceration of mothers have a great effect on the society and the development of their children outside their guidance. The result of such situations are indeed degrading to the society. The report further adds the fact sheet on the further result of the incarcerated mothers towards the families and the children that they left behind. The said reports are as follows: ï ¿ ½ 82.5% of women incarcerated in Illinois are mothers. In fiscal year 2000, approximately 2,800 women entering state prison reported that they had given birth to 7,500 children. Nationwide, women under correctional supervision are mothers of an estimated 1.3 million minor children. More than 10 million children have had a parent imprisoned at some point in their lives. Many mothers were their children’s sole caretakers before arrest. ï ¿ ½ Nearly 90% of fathers in prison in the U.S. report that their children live with the mothers; 28% of incarcerated mothers report that their children are being cared for by the fathers. ï ¿ ½ In 2003, 63 babies were born to mothers in the custody of Dwight Correctional Center. Nationwide, about 5% of women are pregnant when they enter prison. Another 15% have babies less than six weeks old. Newborns are separated from imprisoned mothers within a day or two of birth, missing the crucial, irretrievable period of mother-child bonding, which affects development for the rest of their lives. ï ¿ ½ Studies demonstrate that regular visits between children in foster care and their mothers enhance the children’s emotional, scholastic, and social adjustment to placement. Numerous studies show that family contact has a strong, positive impact on parole success when the mother is released. Â ï ¿ ½ When a mother goes to prison, it is her children who suffer most. Studies link parental incarceration with problems including poor school performance, aggression, emotional problems, and post-traumatic stress. Young children may be severely traumatized by the sudden separation from their mothers, resulting in developmental delays and later emotional problems. Children commonly experience sadness, anger, confusion, grief or apathy due to the separation. Children’s substitute caregivers often are stretched beyond their resources. Visits to distant prisons and long-distance, collect calls are the only available contact for children who are too young to benefit from letters. ï ¿ ½ 84% of mothers in federal prisons and 64% of mothers in state prisons lived with their children before arrest. When they are released, they face multiple barriers to reuniting their families, reintegrating into their communities, and obtaining stable employment and housing. ï ¿ ½ A 1985 study found that less than 1% of mothers in a California prison were sentenced for child abuse. ï ¿ ½ Children of imprisoned mothers who go into state foster homes may be separated from brothers and sisters, moved to a series of foster homes, and denied visits with their mothers. Foster care workers often fail to provide mandated visits and services. There is little coordination or continuity of services when the mother returns to the community. An estimated one in four children in the Illinois foster care system are abused in their foster homes. Foster children have an increased risk of delinquency in adolescence and homelessness in adulthood. ï ¿ ½ Maternal imprisonment affects future generations: children’s psychological health and sense of family is severely damaged by the separation from their mothers. Increasingly, families are destroyed forever through termination of parental rights, permanently cutting off the mother-child bond even if nobody adopts the children. Illinois in particular has targeted prisoners for destruction of their families through legal severance of family ties, so that the children and mothers have no further communication, visits, or even information about each others’ welfare.            Certainly, mothers who are placed behind bars and are having less time with their families have a great impact on the people that they left behind. As the actual reports show, at times, even visiting the said women inmates are prohibited. All these have a great impact on the fact that the women are less able to communicate with their children, hence having less guidance on their young ones. Although these women were imprisoned for some criminal reason maybe, it does not mean that they are no longer capable of taking care of their child or giving them the needed guidance that they have to gain form their mothers as they grow. As reports attest to the fact that children who are separated from their mothers at an early stage usually grow up to becoming delinquent citizens of the society [in case they fall on the wrong hands of guardians, which usually happens when the mother is in prison].            However, because of the environment of the American prison homes [usually worldwide reports on these cases are even at a graver situation], the officers and the prison policy for such situation would be focused on the environmental development of the child. Living with people who are bound behind bars because of incurring some crimes may not be that good of a developmental environment for young children. Hence, there is no choice but to separate the child from the mother and have them taken care of by other relatives or by foster parents. What has the government and other non-government organizations done to deal with this situation? The Programs Designed for Mother and Child in Prison Homes            At present, the increasing numbers of pregnant women who deliver their babies within the prison territories have already been called out to the ears of the authorities concerned in the issue. Certainly, there were programs that have been constructed by several concerned groups and the government itself to help these women and their children get over the separation and the grave situation that they are compromised to deal with.            These programs were gradually developed since it has been observed that children who are separated from their mothers at an early stage develop several mental and physical illness (Bender, 2004). To be able to avoid the said occurrences among children, the introduction of the â€Å"Tamar’s Children†project has been established in 2001. This project is mainly focused on rehabilitating the nurturing mother, especially if they have been taking drugs or have been related to any substance abuse cases, to be able to help them take care of their children at a certain time that the prison allows, as the baby needs them for support during the infancy stage.            The program has been proposed to begin at the delivery stage of the baby. The American Psychiatric Association believes that the mothers, though they are considered criminals under the human law, should be treated with respect and dignity when they are delivering their babies inside the prison homes. According to Eva Bender, the program set up would support the mother as she delivers her child to help her develop love for her young as the infant goes out f her womb (2004). Later on, as the mother and child bonding is pursued, the mothers are placed in correctional communities where they are able to connect with their children freely and are treated well by authorities. This is to reduce the traumatic experiences of the mothers being passed on to their children as they tend to them in their infancy.            As it could be observed, the project proposition is manly focused on the mental development of the child. Along with it comes the rehabilitation of the mother for the sake of the young ones. As the group believes that â€Å"Anytime you have women who are incarcerated, there is stigma,Gillece continued. Add that they have prostituted themselves,are pregnant, and addicted to heroin. These are not populargirls. Anywhere†¦The birthing experience is a new one for many of the womenâ€â€including those who are not first-time mothers, she noted. Many of the women had been using drugs when they had their other babies and hadn’t delivered without being high beforeâ€â€it is a whole new experience, (Bender, 2004).            Yes, the assistance of the authorities to many of the new mothers inside the prison homes would help well not only on the rehabilitation of the mother but also on the development of the child as it grows up away from its mother’s care. The Effects of Pregnancy and Delivering Babies to Women            It could be noted that through the implementation of the projected programs for pregnant and delivering women inside the prison homes affect the personality of the women inmates. Most of the women who were able to deliver their babies gain maturity and a sense of responsibility which in turn making them capable of being rehabilitated from their old selves when they were first incarcerate in the prison homes. It could be noted too that based on reports, the rate of women who are returning to prison homes because of repeated crimes are lessened on the part of the ‘already mothers’ when they finished their prison sentences.            Certainly, this could mean that one of the ways which could be used to lessen the number of the women inmates is to teach them some responsibility that would help them grow in maturity and thus they would not commit the same crimes again as they go out of the prison territories. As a result, this could be considered as a way by which the rates of women incarceration could be reduced as well. Conclusion            The fact of having young women or pregnant inmates has naturally brought fourth issues that are directly connected on mother and child development. The said issue raises more questions regarding the situation on individual development of both separate people, the mother and the young infant. As a result, the programs created to directly assist both sides of the situation have been proposed to have effective and practical effects on the personality of both separate people. Yes, these programs have been proven to support two separate aims of rehabilitating the mother and thus lowering the rate or returning inmates and the rate of women who are hosted by prison homes, also it helps in creating a better environment for the infant as it develops. BIBLIOGRAPHY Publications: Home Office (1997) Mothers in Prison, Diane Caddle and Debbie Crisp, Research Findings No. 38, Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate. Report of a Review of Principles, Policies and Procedures on Mothers and Babies/Children in Prison – Response and Action Plan December 1999 Home Office, (1997) Imprisoned Women and Mothers , Diane Caddle and Debbie Crisp, Research Study 162, A Research and Statistics Directorate Report Home Office (1998) Age Limits for Babies in Prison: Some Lessons from Abroad, D Caddle, Research Findings No. 80, Home Office Research Development and Statistics Directorate. Home Office (1997) Mothers in Prison, Diane Caddle and Debbie Crisp, Research Findings No. 38, Home Office Research and Statistics Directorate. Richards, M. et al. (1996) Imprisonment and family ties. Home Office Research and Statistics Bulletin No. 38: HMSO Howard League (1995) Prison Mother and Baby Units, Howard League. Howard League (1997) Pregnant and in Prison, Howard League. Howard League (1999) Babies behind Bars, Frances Crook, HLM, February 1999, Volume 17, No.1, Howard League. Richards, M. et al. (1995) Foreign nationals in English prisons: 1. Family ties and their maintenance. The Howard Journal Vol 34 No 2 May 1995. Blumstein, A. and Wallman, J., eds., The Crime Drop in America. Cambridge Press, 2000. Schiraldi, V., Ziedenberg, J., The Punishing Decade: Prison and Jail Estimates at the Millennium. Justice Policy Institute, 1999. Illinois Department of Corrections (hereinafter IDOC), 2002 Statistical Presentation. State of Illinois. July 31, 2003. IDOC Office of Planning and Research. February 2003 Harrison, Paige and Beck, Allen, Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin Prisoners in 2002. NCJ 200248. July 2003 Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States 2002. Section IV: Persons Arrested. 2002. Bureau of Justice Statistics Correctional Surveys (The National Probation Data Survey, National Prisoner Statistics, Survey of Jails, and The National Parole Data Survey) as presented in Correctional Populations in the United States. BJS. November 28, 2000. Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Unlocking Options for Women. April 2002. LaLonde, Robert J. and George, Susan M., Incarcerated Mothers: The Chicago Project on Female Prisoners and Their Children. The Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies, University of Chicago. June 2002 Human Rights Watch, Punishment and Prejudice: Racial Disparities in the War on Drugs. Vol. 12, No. 2 (G). May 2000. McClellan, D., Farabee, D. and Crouch, B., â€Å"Early Victimization, Drug Use, and Criminality†in Criminal Justice and Behavior. 1997. Bloom, B. and Covington, S., Gender-Specific Programming for Female Offenders: What is It and Why Is It Important? American Society of Criminology, November 1998. Maruschak, Laura M., HIV in Prisons, 2000. Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin, NCJ 196023. October 2002. Internet Sources: CHICAGO LEGAL ADVOCACY FOR INCARCERATED MOTHERS. 312.675.09111. 2003. (February 21, 2007). Eva Bender. (2004). Prison Program Fosters Bonding Between Women, Newborns. (February 21, 2007).
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Statement of purpose Essay Example for Free
Statement of purpose Essay Civil Engineering is vital to the modern world as it has been since the beginning of human history. The scientific, mathematical and team-working challenges present in modern engineering have always fascinated me and from the beginning of my secondary education, I have realized that I will always crave and enjoy such challenges. My desire to command projects from drawings and numbers on a sheet of paper to awe-inspiring physical structures has been present ever since I took part in a school engineering project. It consisted of three teams of five students whose task was to design and build a mini-sculpture of a transport bridge which would later be tested and scrutinized by the task leaders. My communication and leadership abilities were obvious from this project and I have been focused on improving them ever since. My desire and interest for engineering was further escalated as I watched day-by-day the construction of 30 St Mary Axe all the way to completion. My wonder that such a beautiful and complicated building could be constructed within the UK simply inspired me. My ambition for the future is to become a fully qualified Civil Engineer and to work my way up in a large construction company to become a Project Manager. I have read many case studies of people who have achieved this and I am working hard in order to gain the skills and knowledge these successful engineers have. I am currently studying Advanced Higher Mathematics and Higher Business Management because I believe these subjects can provide me with the essential skills and knowledge vital to a successful engineer. I very much enjoy mathematics aâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" it being my most accomplished subject. I have taken part in the Mathematics Challenge every year of my secondary education and have found each yearaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s puzzle more exciting than the last. Completion of this yearaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s challenge is therefore one of my targets for the coming year. In addition to this, I have also joined the Stirling High School Senior Mathematics Team and am eagerly awaiting the scheduled competitions against our neighbouring schools in the Central Region. In my sixth year at school I have taken part in the Young Enterprise program and have managed to obtain the position of Finance Director, I have accomplished this through convincing the other members of my mathematical talent and interest. I often have long discussions with the Managing Director about the companyaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s next moves and provide him with the financial data that I have collected. I have also taken the initiative to set up a chess club in my school where I teach the junior members and some disabled students how to play chess, and for the students already able, I show them tricks and techniques in order to develop their skills as a player. I find this very rewarding and exciting as I can apply my communication and teaching skills to a hobby. I have managed to build a relationship with the Large Property Developer aâ‚ ¬? Carronvale Homesaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. I have informed them of my desire to be a civil engineer and so once a week I am granted access to talk to the Project Manager at a site near my home who gives me updates and insights into what is going on around the site that day. I have found our interactions to be invaluable as they have provided me with an insight into what a day in the life of a Project Manager is like and has further escalated my ambition to be a civil engineer. In addition to my school related commitments, I am currently working part time as a sales assistant at Homebase while I complete my studies. I enjoy working during very busy hours so I can challenge myself and further improve my communication skills whilst sustaining an acceptable level of service under enormous pressure. Working within this environment has drastically improved my ability to work as an individual and as part of a small team and I hope to further improve these skills in the future. My main hobby is playing the bagpipes both as a solo competitor and as part of a world championship winning pipe band. My father has the leading role as Pipe Major in the band but I am often relied upon to lead the 30-strong team in his absence. This allows me to test my communication and leadership skills simultaneously. I have trained since I was very young and have shown absolute commitment to my hobby for almost ten years. I am absolutely committed to becoming a successful engineer and will work endlessly in order to achieve my goals. I feel that university will be one of the most exciting and interesting times of my life and eagerly await the experiences which university life will provide for me. I believe I am more than capable of achieving my aspirations through a series of short-term goals aâ‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" perhaps the most significant of which is gaining entrance into university, which will provide me with the challenges and experiences any ambitious engineer should crave.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Uniqlo In Hong Kong Business Essay
Uniqlo In Hong Kong Business Essay Many businesses exist and flourish because they are successful in satisfying a need in the market. These needs are determined by the consumers who are considered an important component of any business endeavour. The primary reason for a business existence is to continue identifying consumer needs and then come up with tangible responses to address these needs. This requirement makes business companies spend a considerable amount of effort and intellect in analysing the behaviour of the consumers in order to effectively formulate appropriate marketing strategies that would assist the firm in effective production and delivery. Smart, D. T., Martin, C. L. (1992) argued that the study of consumers makes companies and organisations recognise and internalise consumer issues that would help strengthen their marketing strategies. In this paper several issues are discussed pertaining to fashion and clothing products and services offered by UNIQLO in Hong Kong. UNIQLO Co., Ltd. was originated in Japan. The companys business line is about clothing and fashion. But basically, the company is one of the leading clothing and fashion business in Japan that design, manufacture and retail casual wears. Initially, UNIQLO Co., Ltd. was only a division of Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. but by November 1, 2005, UNIQLO Co., Ltd. come into the picture through corporate restructuring and currently existing as a 100% consolidated subsidiary of Fast Retailing. UNIQLO was now listed at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In Japan, UNIQLO is the leading clothing retail chain in terms of both sales and profits. And as of 2010, the company are also operating in Hong Kong, China, United Kingdom, South Korea, France, Singapore and United States. UNIQLO formed the idea of blending of ‘unique and ‘clothing as an symbol of originality and uniqueness of the apparel industry in Japan. UNIQLO offers fashionable and high quality clothing at reasonable prices, and was seized as an opportunity to establish a brand position domestically and internationally, combining all the facets of the business from product design to final sales and the operation of the 790 stores around the globe. Primarily offing for a highly brand conscious consumer group, UNIQLO envisions itself as a leading global casual wear company targeting high sales and profitability growth. For UNIQLO, such aim could materialise based on the established strategies such as low cost management, cheapest manufacture and marketing schedules an d prioritising customer requirements. Nowadays, UNIQLO is described as the apparel giant Gap, Inc.s counterpart based on the 4, 000% share price increase, making UNIQLO as Japans third largest clothing retailer. However, it is not always victory for UNIQLO; the subsidiary also has its own share of downturns especially on its international expansion. For instance, expansion programmes in the United Kingdom (UK) saw a tumultuous stumble in profits, forcing Fast Retailing to shut down 16 of the 21 UNIQLO stores opened, because of competition. Most recently, three UNIQLO stores in New Jersey were also closed because of economic slumps. Despite these facts, UNIQLO maintains the spirit and still believed that the brand has only but way forward. How UNIQLO will going to do such is central to this paper, focusing on the companys strategic management. External, industry and competitor analysis as well as the internal environment will be addressed. In fashion and clothing business in Hong Kong, the products and services offered by retailers that have strong brands are flourishing because they are easier to remember or they are already popular and are known for the quality. Companies like UNIQLO, HM, and Giordano are giving their best to build their brand name or brand identities because it helps consumers easily identify the product as well as acquire a rich set of symbols and meanings embodied by products. For successfully developed and managed brand names, the connections that patrons make with the brand name creates value, or brand equity, that can be a highly valued asset to the firm that develops the brand (Meyers-Levy, Louie, Curren, 1994). Chapter 2. Literature Review Environmental Analysis (PESTEL) Ø Political Analysis In the context of UNOQLO, political factors have direct effect on business conducts and operations. Decisions made by the affects the decision-making of retailers and could come in the form of policy or legislation. In Hong Kong, the ‘one country, two systems is the prevalent governance philosophy which endows the special administrative region with a high degree of autonomy and its capitalist economic system. Within a capitalistic and free market-oriented economy, retail companies make the majority of microeconomic decisions but they have to conform to specific agreements. Mainland and HK Closer Partnership Economic Arrangement (CEPA) and the US-China Textile Memorandum of Understanding are two examples of this. The former provides UNIQLO with a tariff-free treatment, stating that products which have no existing CEPA rules of origin will enjoy tariff-free treatment upon applications by local manufacturers. The latter could provide UNIQLO with an opportunity for an annual growt h of 8-17% in 21 categories of Chinese textiles and clothing exports to the US. Labor and customary regulations as well as code of conducts are also complied into including China Social Compliance 9000 and US and EU quotas (RSCA 2006; Doshi 2006). Ø Economic Analysis Domestically and globally, businesses are also being affected by economic factors whereby a strong economy indicates positive results and weak economy signifies the opposite, affecting both businesses and consumers. Hong Kongs gross domestic product is estimated at US$206.7bn with the service sector that contributes 90% of the total GDP. The region is also named as the worlds eleventh largest trading entity. Almost 50% of the total population is employed full-time and the unemployment rate has a continuous average decline by 4.1%, making disposition of income a possibility, a lower cost of living that is (Monthly Digest 2008). Spending is generally devoted for food, housing, healthcare, transportation, amusement, services and apparel. People nowadays are very particular with ‘investing in quality clothing thereby resume spending with premium apparel finds (Doshi 2006). Realising this, the price and quality characteristics of UNIQLO has a strategic fit; UNIQLO makes people look fashionable and confident in world-class clothes at a reasonable price through the company-wide integration of the Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel (SPA) model, a low-cost but effective operation model. Ø Social Analysis Demography or the population characteristics may determine buying patterns and that understanding demographic changes within a particular region or place facilitates determining whether products and services would appeal to customers as well as the number of potential customers (Barney and Hesterly 2006, p. 35). Hong Kong has a total of 6, 985, 300 population based on 2008 estimate and is continuously growing due to immigrant influx from Mainland. According to Doshi, people in HK and elsewhere have a growing interest in private labels. Consumers aspired for having private levels on everyday garments. Casual wear from HK which is known for good design and quality has a positive image on global consumers. Nevertheless, international brands are concentrated in high-end consumers while domestic brands are for low-end consumers (Doshi, 2006). In taking advantage of the wealth of the demography, UNIQLO makes effort on providing high-quality merchandise and generating values to the society by taxes. Further, UNIQLO is a company that is committed in creating positive reputation as manifested in its vision and mission, styles of management, ways of doing business and requirements to employees. Ø Technological Analysis Technological innovations are a priority for the apparel retailing industry but it will remain as labor intensive as it is today. Boosting the industrys productivity, increased in automation has been the recent trend but it is limited on specific functions, to which mostly require human intervention such as sewing and making patterns. Although there are computerised sewing machines that increase the productivity and reduce training time. Further, the uses of computer system software intended for the industry will be on making rough sketches, printing detailed designs and storing of information for easy retrieval. The customer orientation of UNIQLO was basically construed from its website in which customers can give feedbacks by email and discussion board. Hong Kong Productivity Council made a report disclosing that the apparel industry could make sense of information technology (IT) if utilise for order processing, costing analysis, order tracking, material management, reporting and connectivity (2004). Ø Legal As with any other business industry of the world, there are rules and regulations that restrict or support the facilitation of the business in the clothing and fashion market in the areas where UNIQLO operates. Ø Environmental There are currently no major environmental issues faced by the UNIQLO in Hong Kong, except for the ever-present textile and silk production issue which catch environmentalists attention die to the fact that some of its raw materials and from the skin of rare animals. Industry Analysis (Porters Five Forces) Ø Threat of Entry Barney Hesterly (2006, p. 43) point out that new entrants are the firms which have either recently begun operations or those that threaten to begin operations within an industry soon. Notably, the apparel industry is a buyer-driven industry where producers are considering buyers decision-making especially when brand names enter the picture. These buyer-centric industries have low barriers to entry mainly because of intense competition. Utilising brands as a market power source; however, this is a challenge for every clothing company. In the clothing business, mass customisation has seen to be the most effective strategy. Putting strategises into action remains to be in resilience today (Culpan 2002). Therefore, the focus must be on minimising the costs without sacrificing quality and to do this, managerial know how is a must in order to understand interactions with suppliers and consumers, to facilitate creativity and innovation and to maintain mobility in adapting to new market dem ands (Kincade, Regan and Gibson 2007). Building brand awareness and consumer loyalty is a costly endeavor since it involves advertising needed not only to promote the brand but also on sustaining awareness and loyalty. Strengthening brand names also requires that there are ‘quick response programs to increase revenues and manage risks. One of UNIQLOs major resources is its brand name, which is now synonymous with comfortable, high quality and cheap clothing merchandises. Although brand awareness outside the home country is a challenge, it is of intangible value to UNIQLO as a business asset. Brands are valuable and rare and reputable brands are acquired through the impressions one has of the company, and its products or services. Since a brand name is built overtime it becomes costly to imitate thereby providing a sustainable competitive advantage in the apparel industry (Groucutt, Lydley and Forsyth 2004, p. 285). Ø Threat of Rivalry Either in home or host countries, apparels, accessories and merchandise will always have a competitor which usually fluctuates in size. The modern market trends for the apparel industry are globalisation and intensified competition, increasing price and lower profit margin pressures, small quantity with high complexity orders, shorter lead times, multiple location operation, changing customer requirements and liberalisation on textile and clothing quota that creates new market dynamics. Being responsive to these market trends shifts the focus of the apparel industry for more extensive product development and improvements at the least possible cost. Such condition forces companies to divert on product differentiation because of high switching cost. In an industry where products are deemed to be ‘equal, the key sources of differentiation are brand image, reputation and prior existence (Byoungho 2004b). For UNIQLO, the products themselves are an important source of competitive edg e. UNIQLO strives at developing products of high quality, in various collections to enable the company to reach the highest possible number of customers. As such, the rivals would be endangered when it comes to introducing innovative products. UNIQLO is positioned in the fashion capitals of the world for the purpose of taking advantage of the new information about fashion trends. UNIQLOs ability to quickly adapt to trends and new markets has helped them develop product differentiation, something that is key to the companys success in the apparel industry. According to Tokle (1990), product differentiation is what separates the top competitors from the rest, but it something that is not costly to imitate. This is why their product differentiation is only a temporary competitive advantage. Competitive advantage could be achieved once the organisation learns to manage its capabilities that the end consumers could appreciate and competitors would find difficulties imitating (Porter 1985 ; Roney 2004). Ø Threat of Substitutes Casual wear is very particular with loose-fit, comfortable and relaxed fit. Athletic or active wear was perceived to be the closest substitute to casual wear as manifested by the booming athletic wear industry. Typically worn as casual fashion clothing, active attires could provide deterrence in the industry. Moreover, the blurring demarcation on the casual clothing family could be also seen as an opportunity for substitutes. Specialised stores offer semi-casual, smart casual and business casual lines. Semi-casual clothes are less presentational than informal but are not as loose as casual dresses. Smart casual purports conservative looks but with harmony on colors, fabrics, shoes and accessories. Business casual, on the other hand, varies in definition but the common element is the collar. Realising this, the bottomline now is the price. Moreover, based on the SPA business model, all the necessary functions at UNIQLO falls under a single umbrella especially the inbound logistics an d the production. UNIQLO is an example of a cut-make-trim company in which in which the company purchase the fabric and retain ownership of the raw materials and work-in-process, and so making it hard for rivals to imitate or produce substitutes for UNQILO brands. Ø Threat of Suppliers The prices and availability of commonly used fabrics such as cotton, blends, synthetics and wools might fluctuate significantly due to its dependence on demand, crop yields, weather, supply conditions, transportation costs, government regulations and economic condition among others (Byoungho 2004a). Quota is the major factor that affects the demand and supply of textile and fabrics. Even though the sale of raw materials is standardised, independent contractors, raw material suppliers, importers and apparel manufacturing firms could not isolate themselves from such scenario because of the prospective unsteadiness in the supply chain (Chetty 1999). As well, because of forward vertical integration, coupled with the low barrier to entry, suppliers could easily become rivals. In becoming threat of entry, suppliers could be also become a competitor to already established apparel manufacturers. In addition, contractors is also one of the threats when the demand of the labor increases, it wi ll cause labor costs price inflation. Laszlo (2008) stress that there are five main parts of the apparel value chain including raw material supply, provision of components; production networks; export channels and marketing networks at the retail level. Through the process, UNIQLO has an ownership on production and thereby a complete control on the supplies procurement. UNIQLO insources its production and handles the majority of the operational details. Sourcing is a go-to in the apparel industry but it is not rare although it can add value to UNIQLO. Ø Threat of Buyers Reaching more and diverse consuming group, the apparel industry is both a stable and unstable industry. Stable because quality price and quality products are the main element and unstable because there are many factors that affect both price and quality. In the point of consumption, for instance, there are ‘middle men such as the retail stores that offer an array of brands. In purchasing manufactured apparel, retail stores could have influence on making significant requirements and demands on their purchase, affecting prices. Though quality is inherent, prices would not be reasonable at all, and alternative clothing is readily available. This explains why apparel manufacturing companies are setting up their own stand along stores which will cater to their own produce. Important is that apparel stores must not fall dependent on s specific class of customer. Buyers are increasingly appearing to prefer above standard apparel with a much lower cost, making apparel less differentiat ed. When selling directly to consumers, buyers would incur a significant portion of their dispensable cash. Same goes with retail store, they purchase apparel at the least possible final cost, but adds up to prices of apparel. UNIQLO is involve in selling to the customers through specialty store marketing, with a minimalist strategy of pile em high, sell em cheap concept that is. In addition, the unbranded fashion or the no-logo concept was perceived to be the main reasons for peoples warm attention (Williamson 2007; Parrish, Cassill and Oxenham 2006). Competitors Analysis a) Local Competitor: Giordano According to companys website, Giordano was established in 1981 as one of the most well-known and established apparel retailers in the Asia Pacific region. The company employs 11,000 staff with over 1,700 shops operating in 30 territories worldwide. The companys vision aimed to be the best and the biggest world brand in apparel retailing with a remarkable mission i.e. â€Å"To make people feel good look great. From the companys website, they are stating that Giordano is committed to being a successful and responsible corporate citizen. Meaning, they are committed not only to delivering quality products and service to their customers and strong and sustained financial performance to their shareholders, but that are also committed in creating a positive impact in the communities where they do business. The current CEO since 1996 is Peter Lau, a Canadian Chinese. Basically, Giordano is based in Bermuda and trades on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as 709.HK. Giordano concentrates in creating and delivering economic quality clothes such as Long Sleeve Shirts, T-Shirts, and denim jeans. On the other hand, Giordano Ladies, a sub-brand was only established in 1996. It has been instrumental to upgrading the unisex brand from a budget image to a more fashion oriented apparel retailer similar to The Gap. b) International Competitor: HM It is now a widely held view that the world economy has entered a much more complex phase where individual national economies have become inextricably linked. In this new world economy, resources and markets have ceased to have the indelible national identity of the past (Jones, 2002). Restricted resources and markets that were once legally isolated have become much more accessible to enterprises that have acquired a global strategic vision. To the more visionary global enterprises, the world is but a borderless environment with homogeneous consumers who have developed an unforgiving taste for the most sophisticated and high-quality products. In response to the needs of these global consumers, the enterprises have developed global products. How such homogenised consumers are served, however, is a question of the strategic orientation of the enterprises and their ability to exploit the ever-evolving global economic environment (Jones, 2002). With this regard, HM, a company in Sweden e ngaged in clothing and a leader in fashion business shows significant impact to their consumers in accordance to their brand and branding strategies. HM is considered as one of the worlds favourite and preferred designer of apparels and clothing for man and women. In addition, HM is also known not only for their fashion cosmetic but because of the quality of the clothes designed durability and the funkiness of its clothes. Through the online stores, HM provides the US, UK and European Market exclusive clothing designs. The main goal of this company is to provide innovative designs of apparels and clothes for different types of people in different countries all over the world. The company has been known because of its strategy of providing clothing designs exclusively for each countrys preferences and needs. HM is considered as one of the worlds favourite and preferred designer of apparels and clothing for man and women. In addition, HM is also known not only for their fashion but because of the quality of the clothes designed durability and the funkiness of its clothes (HM, 2009). The HM mission, â€Å"Fashion and Quality at its best price†. In addition, their handbags, shoes and accessories are also creating big sales and positive reactions from consumers. Through the online stores, HM provides the US, UK European Market and Asian Market exclusive clothing and even handbag designs. HM also offers perfumes and watches. The main aim of this company is to provide fast fashion goods (haute couture, ready-to-wear, handbags, perfumery, and cosmetics among others) in different countries all over the world (HM, 2009). The company has been known because of its strategy of providing fashion designs exclusively for each countrys preferences and needs which was positively accepted and loved by consumers. CPM Matrix Table 1. CPM Matrix UNIQLO Giordano HM Critical Success Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Advertising 0.20 4 0.80 5 1.00 4 0.80 Product Quality 0.15 4 0.60 4 0.60 4 0.60 Price Competitiveness 0.10 4 0.40 3 0.30 4 0.40 Management 0.10 4 0.40 3 0.30 4 0.40 Financial Position 0.15 4 0.60 3 0.45 3 0.45 Customer Loyalty 0.10 4 0.40 3 0.30 3 0.30 Global Expansion 0.15 3 0.45 4 0.60 4 0.60 Market Share 0.05 3 0.15 3 0.15 3 0.15 Total 1.00 3.80 3.70 3.70 With regards to the discussion of the local and international competitors of UNIQLO, the CPM matrix describes the edge of UNIQLO over Giordano and HM. As seen in the critical success factor, UNIQLO dominates the Product Quality, Price Competitiveness, Management, Financial Position and Customer Loyalty. Despite of this, it seems that UNIQLO was lacking in advertising which was dominated by Giordano. In addition, UNIQLO also needs to consider their efforts in global expansion and market share in order to become successful in Hong Kong. Extended Marketing Mix 8Ps of Services Marketing Furthermore, since the UNIQLO as a brand concept be similar to or is associated with service stipulation, the 8Ps method adopted for service marketing may be competently espoused for its advertising. The 8Ps are: * Product This refers to the stuff or services to be offered by the company. In the case of UNIQLO, their products and services are mostly related to clothing and fashion, thus the need for constant review should be bear in mind in order to meet the changing customer expectations. * Place In UNIQLO, the place in which this product was manufactured and distributed was somewhat accessible to both suppliers and customers. Actually, UNIQLO are considering the issue regarding product availabily at the most convenient places for the target market, i.e., current and prospective clients. * Price In terms of price, UNIQLO produce were priced competitively. * Promotion UNIQLOs most effective ways to communicate to the various target groups to stimulate greater awareness, interest and patronage are somewhat good but not exceptional. UNIQLO are now using TV advertisement, Internet marketing, and billboard advertising. * Physical Evidence In terms of presentation, UNIQLOs products are exceptional. In addition to these, the services offered by the company were also outstanding. As seen in their shops UNIQLO are known with their well-dressed staff/consultants, logos on office doors/ business cetres, letter heads, brochures, complimentary cards, consultancy reports, etc. * Process With regrds to the process, the business of UNIQLO are well management in which makes their business system flawless and customer complaints are easily handled. * People When it comes to people, UNIQLO chooses the best suitable person needed by the company. This means that UNIQLO expertly indentify the capabilities of a person that will reflect the value of UNIQLO products and services. * Promise UNIQLO with their consultants are delivering their promises. In terms of quality of products and services, UNIQLO are giving it to their customers at utmost quality. * Public Relations UNIQLO stakeholders carefully identify the various publics that can impact on UNIQLO to which PR communications can be directed. Such publics include individual consultants, clients, big practices, small practices, other related professional associations, relevant agencies of the United Nations, financial institutions, etc. Developing the Concept of Servicescape and Blueprinting Servicescape- Servicescape is a concept that was developed by Booms and Bitner to emphasize the impact of the physical environment in which a service process takes place. If you were to try to describe the differences a customer encountered when entering a branch of say like McDonalds compared with a small family restaurant, the concept of servicescapes may prove useful. Booms and Bitner defined a servicescape as the environment in which the service is assembled and in which the seller and customer interact, combined with tangible commodities that facilitate performance or communication of the service (Booms and Bitner, 1981, p. 36). Servicescape may be likened to landscape. It includes facilities exterior (landscape, exterior design, signage, parking, surrounding environment) and facilities interior (interior design decor, equipment, signage, layout, air quality, temperature and ambiance). Servicescape along with other tangibles like business cards, stationary, billing statements, reports, employee dress, uniforms, brochures, web pages and virtual servicescape forms the Physical Evidence in marketing of services. Servicescape is not defined as above. The definition above is the definition for physical evidence. Physical evidence consist of servicescape combined with the tangible elements, so servicescape is a part of physical evidence. Blueprinting Service blueprinting was initially introduced as a process control technique for services that offered several advantages: it was more precise than verbal definitions; it could help solve problems preemptively; and it was able to identify failure points in a service operation.24 Just as firms have evolved to become more customer-focused, so has service blueprinting. One early adaptation was the clarification of service blueprinting as a process for plotting the customer process against organizational structure.25 Service blueprinting was further developed to distinguish between onstage and backstage activities. These key components still form the basis of the technique and its most important feature, that of illuminating the customers role in the service process.26 In addition, it provides an overview so that employees and internal units can relate what they do to the entire, integrated service system. Blueprints also help to reinforce a customer-orientation among employees as well as clarify interfaces across departmental lines. Chapter 3. Research Methodology The aim of the study is to once again, seek the various sides of economic impact in London after winning the title to be the host of the 2012 summer Olympics. It is a big challenge for the hosting country to facilitate a mega event and the industry that is in the center of the issue is the tourism. The continuous development of an industry is possible if there are factors that can affect its growth. In the existence of the Olympic event in London, there should be an appropriate investigation that might lead in determining the economic impact of Summer Olympics. Along with the complexities defined in the countries of UK, London remains the center of attention because of the opportunity in hosting the prestigious Olympic Games. After the years of 1908 and 1948 in hosting the previous Olympics, London finally acquired the honor in hosting the mega event. Obviously, years can be evidence the world is changing and with that, London must be prepared on the various effects resulting to the Olympic Games. With the help of the appropriate method, the study can gain the chance in meeting the objectives and goals. Research Methods to be Used Since the study is concern regarding the empirical ground and current situations of Londons preparedness in the upcoming Olympics, the proposed primary method is through the use of surveys and interview. There are many types of primary research available based on the purpose of the researcher/s. The design of the method can create the accurate result and overview on the concern of the study. It is expected that survey methods are more efficient in terms of gathering the primary data therefore; it is utilized in the study. Through the form of questioning the people or groups, the study can gain the limited amount of information which is also useful in understanding the subjects point-of-views. On the other hand, the use of interview helps the research in providing the ideas of a small group similar to gathering their opinions. After the e
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